First Fight

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I am sitting alone in Lights room, waiting for him, reading a new book I had borrowed when I heard his front door open. I smiled knowing that Light was home. I quickly rushed to go and greet him but I stopped when I saw him panting. His hand were gripping the table tightly, sweat was dripping down his face, and he had a crazed look in his eyes. When he saw me, he smiled. But it wasn't the usual sweet smiles he gives me. It was almost... evil.

"Hey, (F/N)," He said.

"H-hi, Light... are you ok."

Light suddenly laughed as he came rushing over to me swinging me around in the air. "Never better!"

"Light... what happened?" I ask hesitantly.

He smiled at me. "L is dead."


"L. Is. Dead." The room was silent before he erupted into another fit of laughter. I was confused. I knew who L was but I was confused on why Light felt he needed to kill L. Sure, L was trying to stop him, but I thought Light would try to find a way to prove to L and the task force that Kira was powerful and could rid the world of all even and try to bring L onto Kira's side. L wasn't a criminal. I always thought the point was to rid the world of evil.

"Light... I'm confused-"

"What is there to be confused about, (F/N)? He's gone! Dead! I killed him! I am the true god! He is gone and he can't get into my way anymore." He lunged back onto me again kissing me but I pushed him off. He looked angry.

"But Light, L wasn't a criminal."

"So? He was in my way."

"But... but I thought the point was to just rid the world of criminals, I thought you would try to get L on your side -"

"Don't be stupid, (F/N). That would never have worked. I needed him dead and gone. So now I can be a god. This is just part of my plan."

I cross my arms and give him a stern look. "Don't call me stupid. This is not the Kira - no, the Light I know and love. Your goal is to make the world a better place-"

"Don't tell me what my goal is! My goal is to become a god! I decide who lives and dies! I decide who is worthy!"

"You sound like a rambling mad man."

"And you sound like a bitch who doesn't know her place." I stop at his words. He has never called me that before. And I never thought he would.

"How dare you call me that?" I yell at him.

"What? A bitch? It's because you are one. Why can't you just be f**king happy for me? God, sometimes I wonder why I choose you off all the better, smarter, prettier women in the world to be my goddess. All you do is whine and you think you know everything. Let me give you a reality check, (F/N), you don't know anything. You are useless, and I could do so much better."

With that I am a sobbing mess on the floor. I cry violently into the palm of my hands trying to pretend that never happened and he never said that. I wish I didn't say anything, but then I stand back up and slap him across the face. He looks angry and as if he wanted to say something, but before I give him the chance, I run out of the house.


I sit at the park bench silently crying. I keep telling myself he didn't mean it, but I don't really know if he did or not. Part of me wanted to march to the task force and yell that Light was Kira, but the other part of me couldn't because I still loved him. Even after he told me he wished he chose someone else to be his goddess. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head in the crook and cry some more. If that's what he wants... I'll leave.

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