First Kiss

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Light asked me if I would take a walk in the park with him. He told me how he was feeling stressed with L being so close on his tail and how he needed a break. Of course, I accepted the small date and met Light at the park. When I see him, kiss him on the cheek and take his hand. We walk around the park for awhile talking about school, the case, a new show I had began watching, and colleges we were looking at. We were applying to the same colleges in hope of going together.

Light pulled me over to an ice cream stand and whispered in my ear, "I know how much you love sweets." I giggle and order (favorite ice cream) then we sit on a nearby bench where we talk some more before I hear a deep laugh come from Light.

"You've got ice cream in your hair!" I look at my (H/C) and see that he is right, ice cream has gotten stuck in my hair. I laugh as I try to get it out of my hair.

"Is it gone?"

"Yep, but you've got a little here." He suddenly places his hand on my cheek and leans down to kiss me. My eyes widen since I have never kissed anyone before, but I slowly begin to melt into the kiss. Nothing could ruin this moment for me. Well...

We both jumped as a crackly giggle erupts from Ryuk. I drop the ice cream and it lands right onto Lights crotch, in which he jumps up with a squeal. Of course, this made Ryuk laugh even more.

"Oh, god, I'm so sorry, Light!" Light glared towards Ryuk but then slowly began to laugh.

"Eh, it's ok, (F/N)... you know, you can still eat it up if you wa-"

I scoff and playfully slap him on the shoulder before pulling him into another long kiss. And once we release to take a breath, I help him clean up.


Lawliet took me to a bakery - not the one I used to work out - where he bought me cake pops, my favorite. "How did you know I like cake pops so much?"

"I've been your significant other for quite some time now, and I noticed on your social media you 'follow' pages about the treat. I thought it would be nice for us to come here on a date and I treat you to a bunch." I giggle softly and kiss his cheek. I feel under the table him holding my hand. Besides hugging and hand holding, and my chaste kisses to his cheeks, he never ever wanted to do anything else. Sometimes it made me sad since we have been dating for three months and still haven't kissed yet. But I would never want to pressure him into anything he didn't want to do.

"Wow, good work! But, how did you know that chocolate was my favorite?" I inquired. He smirked.

"You got me there."

It was nearly 6 when Lawliet walked me. I always felt happy and safe when I was with him. When we get to the front door I give him a hug and turn to go inside but he gently grasps my arms stopping me.

"You ok?" I ask him. He nods. He looks as if he is debating something in his head. I then see him staring at my lips. "Do you want to kiss me?" I ask quietly. He nods but he doesn't move, so I decide it's up to me to. I slowly lean in and kiss him. It starts off soft, both of us not completely sure with what we are doing, but then it becomes more rough as we become desperate for each other. I'm sure the kiss would have gone on for much longer if it wasn't that the door was swung open.


I thought maybe Mello would laugh at me when I told him that I wanted to go stargazing for a date. I always found the night time so fascinating and how there were so many stars in the sky, even though we never saw them all. But Mello didn't laugh but happily obliqued to star gazing with me.

We find a secluded place on a mountain and set out a blanket. I brought some snacks as well; sandwiches (with nutella for Mello) and some cheese and crackers. We lay on the blanket, discuss many topics, and eat the food. It was really a lovely evening. By the time it was dark so we could see the stars, we lay down on our backs. I feel Mello wrap his arm around me and pull me against him.

"I love stars. They're so beautiful," I whisper.

"Not as beautiful as you." I hide my face in the crook of my neck so he can't see me blushing.

"Don't say that," I mumble.

"But it's true."

In an instant he is on top of me brushing the (H/C) out of my face. I stare into his eyes; I feel as if I could get lost in them. He slowly leans down and brushes his lips against mine gently. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him against me to deepen the kiss. In that moment, the world seemed to stop. When we pull away for air I smile up at him.

"That was amazing," I murmur. He pulls me against him once again and we continue to watch the stars.


"Let's make a deal," Matt says with a sly smirk plastered to his face. "Loser has to do whatever the winner says for the rest of the day." I cross my arms glaring at him.

"You're going to make me do something stupid."

"No, don't worry, I won't. Do we have a deal?" I smile smugly.


The minutes the timer goes off, I'm running through the indoor maze at the Lazer Tag place. I hide behind walls and run as fast as I can, and yet, Matt always finds ways to snipe me. By the time a buzzer goes off indicating the game is over, I know I have lost. We go outside to where there is a screen showing everyone's scores. Yep. I lost.

Matt walks over smugly and wraps his arms around me. I turn in his arms to wrap my arms around his neck. "Ok, so what do I have to do?"

"Why don't we start with something simple?" I quirk a brow. "Kiss me." He says seductively into my ear. I smile and quickly pull him towards me smashing my lips against his. The kiss is nothing but gentle; it's rough and passionate, but I wouldn't have wanted my first kiss with Matt any other way. When we pull back he smiles and kisses my nose. "This is going to be a good day."


Near sat crossed legs, looking extremely uncomfortable, on my bed. He kept staring at me as I sat with my back against the headboard reading a book. I don't know why he insisted on coming over today but I wasn't complaining. I enjoyed his company.

After Awhile he started to shift on the bed. I looked up from the book to see him right next to me, staring right at my lips.

"Uh, you ok?" I ask him. He nods before kissing me. It was extremely short and quick. I stare at him in shock that he just did that. He quickly skitters back to the end of the bed and resumes to his sitting position. I try to go back to my book but I can't. I put it down and join Near at the end of the bed. "Are you going to kiss me properly?" I ask him.
"I don't know. I wanted to kiss you but... I've never done it before."
"It's ok. That was... kinda my first kiss too." He smiles at me saying that and he leans in to kiss me. This time he lingers and I begin to kiss him back gently. When he leans back he is breathless and a dark blush has covered his face.

"That was nice," He says sweetly leaning in for me. 

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