Symptoms .... :O

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~ 2 months later! ~


You woke up Saturday morning with a smile on your face. You stretch, yawn, and look down at your sleeping husband. You grin and stroke his hair, causing him to squirm and make a purr like sound. You are just about to wake him up when you felt a sudden twinge in your stomach and slightly dizzy. You quickly realize, however, that you were about to be sick, and you run to the bathroom in time to empty the sick from your tummy into the toilet.

"Ew!" You hear Ryuk say from behind you. You roll your eyes falling backwards against the wall. You rub your head and pat at the sweat that has formed on your forehead.

Light walks in wearily but with a concerned look on his face. "My goddess, are you alright?"

"Yes, I think I must have ate something funny last night."

"We had spaghetti."

"Well maybe I have a 24 hour flu." Light sighs and helps you back to your bed. While you rest in bed and Light works ridding the world of criminals, but he can't help but think that it isn't a flu, but something else. Something that probably has to do with what they did on their honeymoon.


You and Lawliet have just come back from you favorite bakery with two slices -- each -- of your favorite cake. You were both beyond (A/N: Beyond Birthday whoooaaaaa) excited to have your cake. You sit down, put your piece on a plate, and begin to dig in, however, the minute your tongue touches the cake, you can't help but feel... repulsed by it. You pull it away in almost shock at how your favorite cake could taste so terribly.

"Is there something wrong?" Lawliet asks.

"Try this." Lawliet takes a bit of your cake. "It's weird, right?"

"No, it tastes the same."

You take another bite and feel the same repulsion you felt merely seconds ago. Disappointed, you give the cake to Lawliet -- who gladly accepts it -- and make yourself a sandwich instead.

"I don't understand why it taste so bad to me yet it tastes good for you. It's terrible!"

"Are you pregnant?"



You woke up feeling happy as can be. You were cheerful, making breakfast for Mello, and cuddling on the couch. By lunch time, you were angry at everything and everyone. You threw things across the room, shouted at Mello for eating too much chocolate and being away too much, and you even got into some road rage going to the supermarket to pick up food. By five, you were a bawling mess on the couch.

Mello sighed and plopped next to you on the couch, only a little afraid you might yell at him, and wrapped his arm around your shoulder pulling you flush against him.

"I'm so sorry, Mello. I've been a complete monster today. I don't know what gotten into me," You cry into his chest.

"It's alright, love. We all have our days," He says rubbing your back gently and taking a bite of his chocolate.

"Thank you for forgiving me baby. I love you."

"I love you too, (F/N), but you might want to go see a doctor."


"Just trust me on this one," He says with a wink.


You and Matt were playing video games -- as usual -- on the couch when the unexpectable happened. In triumphant for finally beating Matt in a silly game of Mario Kart, you jumped in the air with your fist raised... and peed yourself. You looked down in horror to see the sudden wet spot on your pants and feel urine dripping down your legs. Matt was silent for a moment before he burst out laughing and you ran to the bathroom, locking yourself in and crying.

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