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You and Light have been dating for nearly a year now and both of you are currently attending the same college. It has been a very stressful day; you didn't do so well on a test, you got in an argument with a friend, and you have a terrible headache. Tiredly, you make your way towards Light's apartment, since he didn't want to live on campus due to being Kira. The minute you get into his house you collapse on the couch.

Light comes to you shortly after you've came in. "Move over," he says gently. He lifts your middle up and you allow yourself to be pulled into Light's arms. You cuddle against his chest and wrap your arms around his waist while he wraps his arms around your back. You relish in his body warmth and you feel your eyes begin to droop.

"Rough day?" he asks.



Lawliet does not like to have much physical contact, however, today, he was longing for you, or, just longing to hold you in his arms. He missed you like hell and with the Kira investigation finally being over, he wanted more than anything to just lay with you in his arms.

He walks to your house, inviting himself in, and lays on your bed waiting for you to come home from (work/school). When you do finally return, you gasp seeing him sitting awkwardly on the bed.

"What are you doing?" You giggle slightly. He gives a warm smile and reaches his arm out towards you. He doesn't really know how to ask you to cuddle with him, but you get the hint and crawl into his arms.

It's awkward at first, but after awhile you settle and become quite comfortable in his embrace.


Mello looks for every chance to cuddle with you. You like to tease him and deny him his cuddles but today after a particularly long day, you wanted nothing more than to be in the protective arms of your boyfriend.

You go to the mafia hideout and walk to his room; you bring a chocolate bar to surprise him. He smiles seeing you and the chocolate and practically yanks you down to him. His arm roughly wraps around your shoulder pulling you against him and you awkwardly rest your head and hand against his chest. After a while, things become nice and not so awkward.

"I missed you today," Mello says sweetly before taking a large chomp into his chocolate bar. I huff giving his cheek a quick peck.

"I bet you did."


After finishing the new game you and Matt bought together, you both begin to fall asleep. However, neither of you want to move from the couch. Matt gives you a cocky smile before pulling you into his arms and spooning you. At first it was uncomfortable because you thought you would fall off the couch. But quickly enough you become comfortable and safe in the arms of Matt.

"That was a fun game," Matt says drowsily while kissing your neck. You stifle a laugh due to his kiss tickling you.

"Yes it was."
"We'll have to play more in a bit."

"If you are not asleep."

But of course, after you say that, a couple minutes later Matt is out like a light snoring quite loudly.


Naer was having a bad day. He was extremely angry with some co-workers, he broke one of his favorite toys, and he didn't get his favorite meal for lunch. So he does what he usually does when he is upset; he goes you your house.

When he gets to your house, he sees you are already asleep on your bed with a book on your chest. He smiles at your adorable form and slowly and quietly gets on the bed next to you. He pulls you into his arms and begins to fall asleep himself.

You wake up and smile seeing it is Near. You rest your head against his chest and begin to stroke his cheek.

"Sorry to come in like this," Near mumbles.

"You are always welcome in my room," you say with a slight smirk. He laughs a little. 

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