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You and Light are studying in the library at the university you guys attend when Jiro Yin, an older class man, approaches you and automatically begins flirting with you.

"Can you touch me? I want to tell my friends I was touched by an angel." You are completely unamused with his advances and you notice Light trying to stay calm and not get angry. Light isn't really the best at holding his anger in.

"Please leave us alone. Can you not see I am trying to study with my boyfriend?" You ask sharply. Jiro only smirks.

"Aww come on, I'm just having some fun-"

"You heard her. We are trying to study," Light interrupts glaring daggers from across the table towards Jiro. Jiro snorts and walks away going to some other girl. Light rolls his eyes and angrily gets back to work. You can't help but smile however. You lean over and kiss him gently. He smiles into the kiss. "I love you, (F/N)," He says softly.

"I love you too."


Naoki Akagi. You hate her. Why? Because she is always flirting with your boyfriend. She is new to the taskforce, and you won't lie, she is absolutely brilliant. But you hate how she is always playing with Lawliet's hair or trying to feed him strawberries and always winking at him. You know Lawliet doesn't even pay attention to her, but you still just hate seeing her around him. you're jealous and you feel a pang in my heart.

You mope in a separate room at the task force trying to avoid Lawliet and Naoki. Of course, Lawliet being Lawliet, he notices you aren't in the main room and he searches for you. When he finally finds you, he becomes concerned.

"Are you ok?" He asks awkwardly sitting next to you.

"Yeah, I just... needed some time." He nods. It's silent for a few minutes before you feel him take your hand in his.

"You know I love you. There is no need to be jealous." You laugh slightly.

"I know. And I love you too, Lolly."


You are hanging out with Mello at the mafia hideout one Friday night. He gets up to go and order a pizza when Keiji Hase, a member in the mafia, begins flirting with you. You were extremely uncomfortable with his advances. He kept making comments about your breast sizes and playing with your (H/C) hair.

"Has anyone ever told you you are absolutely stunning," Keiji says with a large smile.

"Yes, my boyfriend." you say pushing him away since he's gotten pretty close to you.

"Boyfriend? Can I be your boyfriend?"

"No, you can't," and just like that, Mello shoves Keiji forcefully. Keiji becomes frightened when he see's it's Mello who is your boyfriend and rushes away.

With a huph, Mello plops on the couch and wraps his arm around you pulling you close. "You are mine, and only mine," he mumbles planting a kiss to the top of your head.

"I love you too."


You and Matt go to your local gamestop to find a new video game to play together. As of now, you are alone in an aisle looking at horror games since that was what you were particularly interested in playing right now. A scrawny looking boy comes up to you, putting his arm against the shelves and pushing his face right in front of yours. You cringe and back away.

"Hey baby, you wanna play together?" The guy asks spitting a little bit.

"Um, hey, I'm sorry but I'm actually in a relationship right now," you stutter walking away.

"Aw come on, can't a guy like me get a date with a pretty girl like you?" He asks grasping your arm. You yank it away and roll your eyes, but before you can say anything, Matt has his arm around you. He pulls the cigarette from his mouth puffing out a little smoke.

"You heard her. She's in a relationship," Matt says. The boy quickly walks away muttering a small apology. You giggle a bit and wrap your arms around Matt's neck giving him a small kiss.

"I love you, babe."

"Love you too, baby."


Your smile instantly fades when you arrive at Whammy's house to see a girl with blonde pigtails playing with Nears hair and giggling like a schoolgirl. Near didn't even seem to notice her but you did and you were getting more jealous by the second. You walk right up to the two and sit right on Nears lap in which he wraps an around you. He continues to play with his toys while holding onto you. The girl with the blonde pigtails angrily walks in front of you and Near with her hands on her hips and a pout.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Nears girlfriend. Is that a problem?" The girl is speechless and stomps off moaning and whining. You turn around in Nears lap to plant a gentle kiss against his cheek.

"Were you jealous," Near asks trying to hide a smile.

"So what if I was? I love you, and you are mine," You say kissing him passionately.

"I love you too," he says when you two release from the kiss. 

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