Meeting Him

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Another day, and I am still failing math. I don't understand! Everything else is a breeze. In fact, in all my classes, I have perfect scores, and yet with math, I can never get anything higher than a D+! God, and I know how much grief my parents will give me for doing poor on another test.

Just as a bell signals class is over, I made a mad dash to the door in hope to escape my math teacher and his badgering, but alas, I failed.

"Ms. (L/N), could you come here please?" I sigh, and turn around with a small smile.

"Yes, sir?"

"(F/N), this is the tenth test that you have failed. I know that everything comes to you as a breeze and you have expressed how much you are against having a tutor, but have you considered that maybe, math is something that you just need a little help on?"

"Y-yes, sir, but-"

"I can't give you an option of opting out of one. If you do not pass this class, you'll have to repeat."

"What!? No, I pass all my other classes with flying colours! This can't have that much of an effect."

"And yet it does. I'm setting you up with a tutor."

"Oh, no, please-"

"I have talked with the head of school and he has assigned you to our brightest student, Light Yagami. You will meet with him everyday after school in the library until your grade in math has gone up to a B."

Light Yagami? Yes, I have heard of him, of course I have, everyone has! He is the top student in Japan, and he rightfully deserves that title, however, I have heard from friends how he is stubborn and cocky and has no real interest in actually helping anyone. I sigh knowing that now there is no way of getting out of this.

I trudge my feet across the ground, (B/F/N), my best friend running up to me and grabbing my arm.

"Hey, (F/N), why do you look so sad."

"I'm not, just frustrated. I need a tutor in math."

"Oh, it won't be too bad. Who's your tutor?"

"Light Yagami."

"Lucky!! I wish I could have had him for a tutor. He's incredibly cute."

I scoff. "I don't care if he has the looks of a god, I just need him to help me pass."


The next day I slowly make my way to the library. I walk in, and just as I thought, there he is sitting at a table with a vexed look on his face. Scattered around him are books, his jacket lazily tossed over the chair, and his head resting in the palm of his hand. Next to him the window was open so his light brownish hair seemed to swish elegantly and his dark orbs stared into my (E/C) ones. I must admit, he is pretty attractive. As I walk closer to him, his eyes narrowed at me.

"You're late." I quickly look at my watch.

"Only by three minutes."

"I have things to do."

"Well, then you shouldn't have signed up to be a tutor."

"I didn't have a choice in the matter. So, why don't you just sit down so we can get this done with."

I bite my lip to restrain myself from snapping back at him. I sit down slowly pulling out my books as he goes on a long tirade about how I must have poor study habits and that this stuff is easy. By the time our study session is over, I'm exhausted. I think to myself, these are going to be a long few months...

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