When You Get Hurt

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Light just about threw the Death Note out the window when he hears you scream and a numerous amount of thumbs. Only seconds ago had you said you were fine and going downstairs to get a glass of water. Light jumps up at lightning speed and to his horror, see's you, a crumpled, crying mess at the bottom of the stairs. Sachiko jumps into action and calls an ambulance.

Light goes with you to the hospital and holds your hand the whole ambulance ride. You're a mess at this point. You feel embarrassed for tripping down the stairs and you are in agony due to your broken leg.

When you get to the hospital you find out you are going to need surgery which gets you in even more of a frenzy. You were in the hospital for three days, and Light visited you everyday and stayed for as long as he was allowed. He also brought an array of flowers too.

"Thank you, Light, this means a lot," You say groggily.

"No problem, my goddess." Light leans down to lay a gentle kiss to your forehead.

"Get better soon." You look up at the voice of Ryuk and give him a small smile.

"Thank you, Ryuk."

"I'm serious, do you know how annoying he has been?"


Lawliet was eating a strawberry short cake while watching surveillance tapes when Watari came rushing in with a panicked look on his face. "Lawliet, I just got off the phone with (F/N)'s mother. (F/N) got into a car accident, she's in the hospital right now." Lawliet's eyes widen to the size of saucers. At first, he's motionless and in shock; he doesn't know how to react. But then, he is overcome with alarm and yelling at Watari to drive him to the hospital. The whole drive to the hospital, all Lawliet could think was that you were on your deathbed.

Luckily, you only have a concussion and a black eye. You smile immediately when you see Lawliet waddle over to you. He sits on the edge of the bed and takes your hand in his.
"I'm so glad you are ok," he says softly.

"Just a bruise or two, nothing too serious!"

"From now on, Watari will take you wherever you need to go. I'm not loosing you to a car crash," Lawliet tells you almost sternly. You merely laugh at him.

Shortly after Lawliet had arrived to visit you, you fall asleep due to your concussion. Lawliet stays with you even as you sleep, holding your hand and gripping at anyone who tries to make him leave.


You curse yourself for not getting new pots sooner. You noticed ages ago that they were getting old and the handle was loose. Mello was over at your house, sitting in the living room watching T.V. while you were cooking lunch. You were making pasta. As you went to pour the water with the pasta into a saucer, the pot broke from the handle causing the hot water to run down your legs. You howl in pain, falling to the ground clutching your legs. It felt like they were on fire!

"Holy s***," Mello says when he see's you on the ground and how dangerously red your legs are becoming. He grabs you from the floor and carries you bridal style into the living room and places you on the couch. Mello knows you don't need to go to the hospital but that something needs to be done quick. He holds your head against his chest trying to whisper soothing words to you to get you to calm down while he googles what to do.

He rushes to get a cool wet cloth and begins to clean and soothe the burn. After an hour of cleaning and cooling the burn, the pain in your legs were beginning to fade. You rest your head against Mello's shoulder.

"Thank you, baby," You say tiredly. Mello wraps his arm around your shoulder and kisses the top of your head.

"As long as you're ok."


You see a small, defenseless cat stuck in a tree, and of course, you have to go to it's rescue. Matt is inside playing video games, his eyes straying to the windows every so often watching you climb the tree. You are so close to the cat. Your hand reaches up to grasp its nimble body, but the tree branch snaps and you fall to the ground, landing on your shoulder.

Matt throws the remote control, nearly hitting the tv, and runs to your side. You try your best not to cry but the pain is unbearable. Matt slowly lifts you up and gasps as he see's your dislocated shoulder. He leads you into the house and brings you to your room where he sits you on the bed. He then takes his belt off and tells you to bite on it.


"(F/N), just do it." You do as he says and quickly realize why he asked you to do that. Without any heed of warning, Matt pushes your arm back into it's socket causing you to scream in agony and bite down on the belt. "Good job, (F/N), it's over now," Matt says gently taking you into his arms letting you cry into his chest.


Why the hell their was a nail on the ground, who knows. All you knew was that currently it's lodged in your foot because you were running around playing tag with Near. The minute Near saw blood trickle from the bottom of your foot, he went in full out panic. If it weren't that you were in so much pain, you would have been surprised that for his small size he could carry you.

He brought you to Ronald and practically begged him to 'save you'. The poor soul thought your were gonna die. Ronald calmly wrapped a tight string around your ankle to take any feeling from away from your foot, and then pulled the nail out. He then began to disinfect the cut on and wraps the foot in bandages. He tells you to stay off the foot for a week to let it heal. While you're bed with your leg propped up and a movie on, Near holds on to you for dear life.

"I don't want to loose you, (F/N)." You chuckle slightly and lean up to kiss his cheek.

"Don't you worry tootsie-roll, I'm not going anywhere." 

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