He meets your family

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After long and endless days of studying, tests, name writing, and work, you and Light are finally finished with college, and you guys are still happy together.

"You know, you've never really met my family," You say suddenly. Light looks over at you and shrugs.

"I guess you're right. It might be about time for me to meet them then," Light responds with a slight chuckle. You smile and rest your head on his shoulder, his hand holding yours, rubbing gentle circles with his thumb.

"They're going to love you."


Light arrives at your house right on time, 8 o'clock, just like you asked. You are extremely nervous for your parents to meet Light. You know Light is a great guy with an amazing charm, however, you know your parents have a habit of being judgemental sometimes. Especially when it comes to you dating. You also worry about Ryuk showing up. Sure, they aren't going to see him, but you have visions of him picking something up and it just levitating around freaking everyone out.

"You look lovely," Light says giving your kiss a cheek when you open the door for him.

"Thank you, sweetie." You take his hand and lead him into the dining room where your parents have set up (favorite meal) for dinner. "Mom, Dad, this is Light Yagami, my boyfriend." Your dad kinda just sits there a little dumbfounded, but your mom gets quite excited.

"Finally, (F/N), you've brought home a guy! A good looking one too!" You quickly hide your face in Light's shoulder when your mom says that.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. (L/N), It's very nice to meet you. You have a lovely home," Light says as gentlemanly and composed as ever.

"Oh, please! Call me (M/N)!"


You sit next to Lawliet eating a piece of chocolate cake while he was watching surveillance tapes as usual. You turn to look over at your boyfriend and gently begin to play with his hair causing him to give you a small smile.

"Hey, Lawliet?"


"Do you think... do you think you would be up to having dinner with my family tomorrow night?" You ask a little hesitantly. He nods his head but looks down at you.

"Why do you sound so on edge? Why wouldn't I want to meet them. We've been significant others for a year."

You laugh a little. "I know I just didn't think you would want to or feel comfortable. They can be really censorious. And they ask a lot of personal questions." He snorts and takes your hand in his.

"How am I supposed to spend the rest of my life with you if I don't even meet your parents?"


For the first time in forever, Lawliet wears something that is not his white t-shirt and jeans. In fact, he comes wearing a brown sweater vest and black pants. He tells you that Watari made him. As of now, you and Lawliet sit rather uncomfortably at the dining room table. You warned Lawliet this would happen.

"Do you brush your hair?" Your mother asks.

"What do you do for a living? You look like someone who works at a drug store," your father quirps.

"Are you going to be able to provide for (F/N)."

"What is your financial status."

When the dinner with your family, which you felt like would go on for ages, is over you and Lawliet walk back to headquarters so he can continue working. The whole time, you apologize profoundly.

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