Date Night

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This would be the first proper date for me and Light to go on. Sure, we've watched some movies at each others houses and went out for ice cream, but today he called me to tell me he wanted to take me to a fancy restaurant.

And if we were going to a fancy restaurant, that meant I needed to dress... fancy. I only had one fancy dress; it was purple and made of silk. I hated how I looked in it even though my mother kept telling me I looked nice.

When Light arrived I was super nervous. One, I was worried he would think I looked bad, and two, I had never been to a fancy restaurant. But all my nerves disappeared when he smiled and said, "You look absolutely stunning, (F/N)."

And dinner was nice too! The restaurant was beautiful, as I expected, and the food was delicious!

"My goddess deserves the best!" Light says enthusiastically.

"Thank you, god. For more than just dinner," I say gently leaning over to kiss him.


Lawliet and I don't really go on many dates. He prefers to stay in his room eating food or coming to my house and just sitting on the couch. We went to a cafe together once, and he seemed to enjoy himself, but he has never showed any interest in doing it again. So I asked him.

"Would you like to go out, Lawliet?"

"On a date."
"But we are already together." I sigh.

"Yes, but couples can still go on dates." He nodded his head and started to pack away his work.

"Where do you want to go?" He then asks.

I take him roller skating. I thought it would be fun and that he would figure out how to do it pretty quickly... boy was I wrong. Lawliet kept falling on the ground until one point he just sat in the middle of the rink and refused to get up until I got him something to hold onto. But even so, it was a fun, and interesting date.


I thought of the perfect date for me and Mello.

Max Brenner! A restaurant filled with chocolate! However, I wanted this to be a surprise, so I called Mello and told him to get to my house.

"What's with the blindfold?" Mello asks as I wrap black felt around his eyes.

"It's a surprise, and one you'll love!" I say kissing his cheek. I hear him huff, but I know once we get to the restaurant he will be happy.

I drive slowly just to taunt him, and I gently take his hand leading him into the restaurant.

He sniffs.

"I smell chocolate."
"That's because..." I take off his blindfold and relish in his look of amazement. Before I know it he is spinning me around making me nearly kick a waiter.

"Best. Date. Ever," He says between kisses. Hershey kisses.


"I can't believe you got us tickets to COMIC CON!" Matt said practically screaming and clutching my arms. I giggle at him, gently kissing him.

"I wanted an awesome date with an awesome guy," I say sweetly. He wraps his arm around me and I let him lead the way.

He goes up to numerous people asking for their autographs and pictures. He plays video games in a secluded corner of the convention. By the end of the day, both of us are exhausted, yet content.

"Thank you, (F/N). This was amazing."

"Anything for you!"


Near wasn't fond of dates. He'd rather play with some die or cards or maybe toy robots. He only ever really came out of the house with me once. I thought if he didn't want to go on a date, I would bring the date to Whammy's house.

So I went to his room and brought up a folding table and some chairs. I brought some cloth, food, glasses, and water. I lit a candle and dimmed the lights and waited for Near to come home. When he did finally arrive home, he was in shock.

"(F/N)... what is all this?" He asks.

"Do you like it?" I ask with hope in my eyes. He smiles and walks over to me kissing the tip of my nose.

"I love it." 

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