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Your husband was out at a conference, leaving you home alone, very pregnant with Ryuk. You sat on the couch playing mario kart with the shinigami, who played with an apple in his mouth, mind you. Whilst playing the game, you couldn't ignore the pain you were feeling in your back.

"You're not playing as well as you usually do," Ryuk says turning to look at you on the couch, a pained look on your face as you rub your back.

"It's a bit hard to concentrate right now. My back is killing me." Ryuk nods and returns to the game. On the third round of 'Rainbow Road', you felt a sudden sharp ache in your abdomen, and then another, and you drop the remote, groaning. Ryuk looks back to you just in time to see your water break. His eyes widen -- if they could get any wider -- as you continue to groan in pain. "The baby's coming!" you shout.



After a long, tedious process of Ryuk trying to contact Light, you getting to the hospital, and actually having the baby, you now lay in the hospital bed, a small smile on your face. You gave birth to a beautiful, healthy girl, in which you named her Ena. Light sat in a chair next to the bed, leaning over to gently rub the sleeping infants head. "She's beautiful," he whispers.

"I can't believe that was inside you!" Ryuk shouts. You look up at the shinigami and laugh weekly. "I still think you should have named her Ryuk."

~ Ena: means gift from God


Lawliet was in his office going over surveillance tapes while you sat on the computer doing last minute baby shopping. You were still eight months pregnant and not expecting the baby for another month. While scrolling through sites for more baby clothes, you felt an odd pain in your stomach which causes you to groan. Your first thought was that it was the baby kicking, but it didn't really feel like the baby was kicking, or it didn't feel like any of the other times the baby kicked. You felt the sudden pain again, so you stand up, only look down to see your water has broken.

"Lawliet!" You shout, panicked.

Lawliet strolls in calmly, but all sense of calmness disappears when he sees the puddle of water. "You're going into labour."

"You don't say!"


For someone who is usually calm and composed, Lawliet was nothing of the sorts during your labour. He kept worrying that something was wrong with the labour, and he pestered the nurses with odd demands such as bringing you cake. But all the chaos was worth it for you to give birth to a health boy and girl! You named the girl Kioko, and the boy Akio. You held Akio in your arms while Lawliet held Kioko whilst walking around the room.

"I like her cheeks. They're nice and puffy." You chuckle from the bed kissing Akio's forehead. "And I like his hands," he says coming over to rub the boys small hand and give you a kiss.

"Only you would say that, my dear husband."

~ Kioko: means happy child

~ Akio: means bright man


Mello has been out all day doing god knows what with Matt. He had said he would be home an hour ago, however, here you were, alone, in your room, still waiting for Melo to show up. All had been fine until you looked down to see your water had broken. You began to panic as you realized Mello wasn't home and you didn't know what to do. You tried to reach for a phone, but the pain you were feeling was unbearable.

Another hour later of dreadful pain and crying, Mello finally did show up, and rushed to your side when he heard your cries.

"The f****** kid is coming now, s***," he said over and over again.

"We need to go to a hospital!" You shout.

"We can't."


"We can't. There's no time." You gave your husband an exasperated look. You knew that wasn't the reason he didn't want to go to a hospital. He didn't want to go to the hospital because he didn't want to risk getting caught by the police. Nevertheless, Mello got you situated to give birth on the bed, and you prepared yourself for what you knew would be a long, long, day.


After the birth, you fell asleep almost instantly; you were exhausted. But when you woke up, your were created by the small little girl you gave birth to being held in front of you by Mello. You looked at Mello who possessed a proud smile.

"Meet Miki!"

~ Miki: means flower stem


You and Matt were asleep on the couch. You tried to watch a movie together but both of you were just exhausted. However, sleeping was short lasted when you felt Matt shaking you. Your eyes opened to see Matt with a stricken look.

"What's wrong?"

"You peed on me!" You look down to see a damp spot on your clothing and you shake your head. No way in hell was this just a simple accident.

"I think my water broke," you say.

"You mean you're going into a labour?"

"I think so."


After much consideration, Matt took you to the hospital. He wanted you to give birth at the house, but it was just as well that he got you to the hospital because you ended up needing to have a c - section. After your surgery, you threw up and passed out, which left Matt to have some time with your now, son, Ichiro.
Matt smiled as he saw you begin to stir, meaning you were waking up. He tickled Ichiro's little cheeks, relishing in the small 'mew' sounds he made.

"Welcome to the world, Ichiro. We're going to give you a wonderful life."

~ Ichiro: means first born child


Near had started the habit of talking to Tomomi (means beautiful wisdom) at any chance he could. To him, this was his way of getting close to his son before he came out of you. You and Near were building a puzzle when you felt the contractions begin to hit.

"Are you coming a week early?" Near asked your stomach.

"Looks like it," you mumble as another contraction hits. Near smiles softly, taking your hand and helping you off the ground and bringing you to his car.

"Are you excited, (F/N)," Near asks you as you two make your way to the hospital. You let out a small chuckle, rubbing your stomach and enduring another contraction.

"You could say so."


The birthing process did not take as long as you two thought it would. When you got to the hospital, only an hour later did you end up giving birth. All nine months of pain, sickness, moodiness was worth it all just to hold your son in your hands.

You laugh as you see the small white hairs already sticking up on the newborn's head. "Tomomi is already resembling you."

"If we're lucky, he'll have your eyes," Near chuckles.

~ Tomomi: means beautiful wisdom

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