When You Are Scared

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What Scares You: Thunder

Ever since you were a child, thunder has scared you. It's loud and booming manor, it destructive course; it absolutely terrifies you. It even has you in tears sometimes.

You are at Light's house while his sister is at her friends and his parents are out. Currently, you are watching a movie and cuddling on the couch. It began to rain but you take no notice to it. However, the minute you hear thunder, you squeal jumping nearly a feet high and quickly hide your face into Light's chest.

"Are you alright?" He asks you gently while wrapping his arms around you and pulling a nearby blanket over.

"I'm sorry, it's just that-"

Another roaring sound of thunder erupts causing you once again to recoil into his chest, shaking uncontrollably. It doesn't take long for Light to connect the dots and figure out you are afraid of thunder, so he turns the tv up louder to drown out the noise and holds you tightly as he soothes you.


What Scares You: A Spider

Your scream of bloody murder can most likely be heard across the whole city. Lawliet sprints to your room to see you shaking and pointing towards what looks like a black dot.

"What's wrong?" he asks rushing to you slightly panicked. He looks over to see a small black spider with yellow dots on it. He cringes slightly but calmly picks up the spider with his hand and chucks it out the window. You refuse to let him touch you until he washes his hand to rid any of the 'vermin' that come off of the spider. He complies laughing slightly.

"It isn't funny," You huph with a small pout.

Once his hands are clean, with a cheeky grin, he walks over to you and puts his arm around you. He gives you a slight peck to the cheek and brings you with him to his room.

{A/n: Spiders are honestly my biggest fear, just writing this made me cringe. -_- XP}


What Scares You: Clowns

You read the book, and you were fine. It, by Stephen King. In Fact, it is a fantastic book! But seeing the clown smile with the big red nose and hair and white face from the television scares the living daylights out of you. It feels as if the clown are prancing towards you, and you scream, jumping from the couch straight into Mello's arms.

First, he laughs, but he soon realizes just how terrified you are when you begin to cover your ears as the clown talks from the T.V.

"I'll protect you from the killer clowns," Mello says gently with no hint of sarcasm in his voice, which surprises you slightly since you thought he might tease you. You smile into his chest, still holding onto him and relaxing as he begins to rub your back, soothing you and pushing away all your fears.

"Thank you, Yellow-Mello."


What Scares You: Rats

You have always been afraid of rats since you were younger and were bitten by one of your friends pet rats. Though small and moderately harmless, to you they were exactly like the rats from The Princess Bride. Big, ugly, and disastrous.

So rationally, you scream to the high heavens when you see a fat rat on the counter. With a gun in his hand, Matt comes running in asking what's wrong. When he see's the rat, he sighs lowering his gun and grabbing the rat by the tail to fling outside.

When he comes back insides, he's gonna tell you to not make such a big deal, by screaming, over something as small as a rat. But he can't find it in himself to do that when he see's the single tear slide down your face. So being the loving boyfriend he is, he wraps you in a protective hug and tells you how much he loves you. "I won't let any more rats in. That's a promise."


What Scares You: Needles

At first, you felt silly and extremely childish when you asked Near to come with you to the doctors as you had blood taken from you. You are terrified of needles, and just the thought of it going inside of you gets you on the verge of a panic attack. But Near understands your fear and gladly comes with you to hold your hand as you have blood taken.

As you sit in the chair anxiously, Near holds your hand and tells you how brave he thinks you are and continues to remind you he has something planned for afterwards.

When the nurse begins to take blood, you close your eyes and hide your face in the crook of Nears neck. He holds your hand and wraps his other arm around you while he tells you a story to distract you from the needle.

"Thank you, Near. You have no idea how much this meant to me," You tell him giving him a few gentle kisses. He smiles and kisses your hands.

"No problem, doll."

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