The Meeting

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I was chilling in the living when Tyrell walked in looking stress.

"What's up" I said to him.

"Just stressed" he said siting in the arm chair.

"Dude it paradise you could do anything you want" I said to him.

"Not really" he said rubbing his face.

"I miss earth honestly I like having a normal life but nope I'm in heaven and I'm not even dead" he said which got a laugh out of me.

"Your bugging just chill and you'll see" Tyrese said as he came in.

"It's to peaceful here maybe that's it not enough chaos I can't live without some shit going down there isn't even no fights or anything" he said which was true.

It was peaceful everyone had no problem no stress, nothing at all.

"Go train for war with Christian" I said to him.

"War?" He looked at me confused.

"Oh yeah y'all wasn't here, there might be war on earth Satan, Death, Lucifer, Uncle Vincent, and Jada coming up here for this big ass meeting in that big building were god always be" I said to them.

"Can we go to the meeting or nah" Tyrese asked.

"Christian said no but we can see them after the meeting" I said to them.


I was getting ready for this meeting.

"Where the hell is Jada she has to be there" Satan said.

"In her room sleeping" Noah said stretching.

"I'll go get her" Samael said then jogged out the room.

"Ok do not draw attention to yourselves and I mean you two" Satan said then pointed to Elijah and Noah.

"Turn into human or something" Tyson said.

"Damn I haven't turned into a human in a few centuries" Elijah said then stood up on his hind legs.

"Wait wait if he's naked now doesn't that mean if he turn human he's going to be naked" Cameron said.

"She is right we need clothes since we are naked 24/7" Elijah said.

"What size are you guys" Cameron asked.

"We have no idea this is why I love my fur don't have to go through all of this" Noah said.

10 minutes later

They were finally dressed. Cameron helped them. She said she loves clothes so she did it.

"Damn I didn't know y'all would look fine as humans don't get me wrong y'all were adorable as demons but now just wow" Cameron said.

"I can't stand how y'all walk on 2 feet can't keep your balance for shit" Noah said leaning on the wall trying to stay up.

Jada and Samael walked in. Jada looked tired.

"What was he talking some big meeting" she said with a yawn.

"In heaven we trying to get shit prepared for war" Satan said.

She rolled her eyes.

"Ugh just make a whole new world and call it a fucking day" she groaned.

"I don't think it that easy" Elijah said messing with his hair.

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