Can't Find Him

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This is the second to last chapter guys. I will be putting out book number 3. It will be a while though because I want to set things up before publishing it.

Also this chapter will kinda be confusing. I tried to explain as much as possible.


I seen Jada move. I tapped her a little bit.

She rubbed her head.

She sat up and shook her head. She didn't say anything to or opened her eyes.

She tried to get up since we were chained up she was pulling back to the wall.

She opened her eyes. They were fully black. No white or anything.

Her eyes was brown when she past out how did they turn black.

"Who are you" she said backing away from.

"What is this? where is my mommy" she said touching the chains.

I looked at her confused.

"Jada What are you talking about" I said looking at her.

"That's my mommy name not mines" she said.

What the hell does she mean.

I heard a huge explosion.

Her eyes were still the same.

I seen God and Satan at the cell.

God snapped his fingers and we were out of the chains and out the cell.

Jada backed away from us all.

"Who are you" Jada said backing up.

God and Satan looked at her.

"That's not Jada" God said.

"Wait is that-" Satan eyes grew huge as he cut himself off.

God grabbed Jada hand.

"We'll figure it out lets go" God said.

Satan grabbing my arm and all I heard was a ringing.

I opened my eyes to see we were back at Satan palace.

My ears was still ringing.

"Y'all back it took y'all long enou- who the hell is that" Noah said looking at Jada.

"I think Jada kid" Satan said.

"What" everyone in the room said.

"Where is my mommy" Jada said backing up looking around.

"Maybe she lost her memory again" Lucifer said.

"No that's not Jada soul else it's not the same soul I can smell it" Viper said.

"Wait how can that not be Jada if it wasn't then she would be dead" I said.

"Okay a pregnant woman has two souls in her, the babies and hers for humans if the mother soul dies or is taken away it's not long before the baby soul is taken away as well but for other beings it's different" Satan said.

"Since Jada can't die her soul can just leave her body leaving just the baby which has now took over Jada body to survive" Satan said and I just looked at him.

"So you tell me that's Jada unborn baby" Lucifer said pointing to Jada or Jadas moving body.

"Yes" God said.

"Where is my mommy" Jada unborn baby said.

Wow things just get more weird

"How does it know who it's mother is but not us and how does it know she's not around if it never seen her around" Christian said looking at her.

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