Just Friends

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                    Pre-Star Wars Episode V
                      Empire Strikes Back

Raina's POV.

It had been a a year since the battle of Yavin. As promised Luke helped teach Raina the beginnings of lightsaber training. She knew a little bit, but not enough to use it in battle. She also kept her word and taught him about meditation. She didn't get very far, though because Luke was called to leave on a mission to Rodia.

Raina silently wanted to be the one to go with him, but a pilot named Nakari Kelen was assigned to go with him instead. Luke couldn't keep his eyes off of her before they left. Raina knew that all Luke and she would ever be was friends, but she couldn't help, but feel saddened and slightly jealous.

Raina waited for months on Yavin for him to return. Finally one day Raina was in her room, when 3PO came in excitedly. "Miss Raina! Master Luke has just returned!" He announced. Raina gasped and ran out the door. She ran to the docking bay and looked around. There he was by his x-wing being greeted by Han and Leia.

Raina ran over to him. "Luke!" She yelled. He looked up and smiled. She ran into his arms. He almost fell backwards. He laughed. She had been so worried that something had happened to him. She embraced him tightly. She felt him vibrate from chuckling at her. "I'm so glad your okay." She whispered. She felt his hand go to  the back of her head, holding it. "I'm okay. I'm here." He said. Han and Leia both looked at one-another and walked away.

Raina pulled away from him. "Did you succeed?" She asked. Luke's smiled faded. "Yes...we did." He answered. Raina looked at him in confusion. That's right he had gone with a woman, Nakari Kelen. Why wasn't she with him? "Luke what happened?" She asked. Luke looked down. He seemed to be tearing up. "We were in a battle and...she...she was shot. She died in my arms." He said quietly.

Raina looked at Luke sadly. Then she observed him closely. He was acting as if he had lost his best friend. "I'm so sorry Luke." She said putting a hand on his arm. He smiled sadly and nodded. "Hey, you want me to walk you to your room?" She asked. "Sure." He nodded.

They walked to his room. "Get some rest." She said softly. He nodded and turned to the door. She had begun to walk away. "Hey, Raina?" He asked. She turned to him. "Yeah?" "You wanna come in for a while? I haven't seen you for a few months now. I kinda feel like being with a friend right now." He said. Raina smiled. "I'd love to." He smiled.

They both walked in. She sat down on his bed and watched as he unpacked his things. He seemed drained and saddened. Had he and Nakari gotten close? She wondered. "You need to rest, you know." She told him. He nodded. "I know. I just need to finish unpacking." He said warily. Raina shook her head and walked over to him. She grabbed his hand and dragged him over to his bed. "Raina! I have to unpack." He insisted. Raina shook her head. "No you don't. You can do that later." She said.

She made him lay down, while she sat next to him on the edge of his bed. He sighed heavily. "Close your eyes." She told him. He did so. He closed his eyes tightly. Raina observed his face. His hair was messed up, but to her it made him look cute. Without thinking she moved some of his hair out of his face and caressed his hair gently. He groaned softly from exhaustion. She gazed at his face and felt her lips form into a smile. He leaned into her touch. It made her heart flutter.

Just then she saw a tear escape his eye and slowly fall down his cheek. She gently brushed it away. He was heartbroken. She sighed quietly. He had fallen inlove with Nakari. "You were inlove with her, weren't you?" She asked. He looked at her in surprise. Then his face softened and he nodded. "How could you tell?" He asked. Raina smiled. "I just could." She answered still brushing his hair with her fingers.

"She was...an amazing woman. She cared for me and...helped me." He said. Raina felt her heart ache she cared for him as well. He just refused to see it. Sometimes she wondered if Luke even thought of her as a woman. "She sounds like a wonderful woman. What did she help you with?" She asked. "The force. She helped me learn. I can move small things now." He told her. Raina felt jealous, but it quickly went away. "I'm glad she could help you. I'm sorry about what happened to her."

He nodded. "Me too. We were both inlove with each other. Ive never been inlove before, until Nakari." He said. Tears were falling down his face now. She had him sit up. She hugged him tightly and rubbed his back. He nuzzled his head into her shoulders and began to cry. "I'm so sorry Luke. It going to be okay." She comforted.

After he had finished crying, he pulled away from her. "Thank you Raina. Your a great friend." He said. She smiled. A friend. Only a friend. "Thats what I'm here for."


A year passed. Raina watched as Luke grieved. She would comfort him as much as she could, along with Leia and Han. He finally began to act like his old self again. He shad just come from a mission Whiforla II. There were complications and he landed on a planet called Tikaroo. On the planet he found an old Jedi temple and trained.

He knew quite a lot now about being a Jedi. Much more than she did. Raina hadn't bothered him about training, because of what had happened, with Nakari. Since he was better now, she had decided to talk to him about it. She knew he had been training harder now, he could teach her quite a lot.

Raina went to Luke, while he was washing his x-wing. "Hey Luke." She smiled. He smiled widely. "Hey Raina! What's up?" He asked. "Well...I've been thinking...you remember the deal we made way back about helping each other become Jedi?" She asked. He nodded. "Yeah, and we did. You taught me how to meditate and I taught you all I knew about using a lightsaber." He said.

She nodded. "Yes, but you've learned so much since then. I haven't been able to learn anything. I've been stuck here. Luke, would you teach me everything you've learned? I want to become a Jedi and the only way I will ever do that is if you teach me." She begged. He looked at her. "Raina I don't know. I've never taught this kinda stuff before." He told her. "Luke...please. I need you to teach me. I don't have anyone else."

He looked at the ground. "That would make me...your master." He concluded. Raina nodded. "It would, but it wouldn't change anything between us. You would just be my teacher." She said. He nodded. "I see. Are you sure about this Raina?" He asked. He seemed to be worried that he would fail. Raina out her hand on his arm. "Luke I trust you. You will not fail me." She said. He nodded reluctantly. "Okay. I'll do it." She smiled. "Thank you."

She leaned up kissed his cheek in excitement. He blushed and looked down smiling. He looked up at her with a smirk. "I don't think its appropriate for a padawan to show affection to their master." Raina rolled her eyes. "Your already letting this whole master thing go to your head." He laughed. "We can start as soon as you want." "Okay how about tomorrow?" She asked. He nodded. "Sounds good." "Okay I'll see you later." She said and walked off.

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