Return To Tatooine

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                    Star Wars Episode VI.
                     Return of The Jedi

Luke's POV.

It had been a year since Luke had encountered Vader and Han had gotten taken by Boba Fett. It took Lando and Chewie six months to finally find out where Jaba's Palace was on Tatooine. It was incredibly secretive and very well hidden. The palace was in the middle of no mans land and was miles and miles from any city. It was done this way to keep out of the Empires reach.

Lando immediately sent word to Luke and went undercover to learn the palace inside and out. Chewie stayed in town, because Jaba and his men would easily recognize him. Once Lando had become a trusted member of Jabas security and knew everything about the palace and its rules, he gave Chewie the go sign.

Chewie sent a message to Luke telling him they were ready for him to meet them and come up with an escape plan. Sadly Luke and Leia were on important mission against the empire, so they couldn't meet them right away. Once they were done and Leia had finished any important business, they headed to Tatooine, with Threepio and Artoo.

Luke was now a Lieutenant General. Wedge was a Lieutenant Commander, but had been promoted again to Commander. When Luke had come back from facing Vader he had looked for Raina, but she was no where to be found. He asked Wedge about her and he said that she had been promoted and sent to another planet. Luke was saddened when he found out. He was sure she was keeping herself as far away from him as possible.

Through the next year Luke was able to move on a little more. He didn't always feel sad or lonely, but he would go through times where he would think about her. The more he did the more he became angry at her. He tried to be understanding, but being angry seemed to help him more than being sad. Luke knew it was wrong to embrace his anger, but he didn't know how else to move on.

After Luke had recovered completely from his fight with Vader, he began to train himself continuously and vigorously. Even during missions he would find any excuse to use the Force. His skills were now heightened and he was increasingly more experienced. He felt like a man now instead of a boy. Luke believed that after over the year, he had changed quite a lot. He was no longer an inexperienced, reckless, and untrained, boy. He was now a more experienced, patient, and trained, man.

Luke and Leia arrived on Tatooine and went to Obi-Wan's old house. Luke needed to find some equipment to make a new lightsaber. "What is this place?" Leia asked. Luke lit a lamp. "This is Ben's- I mean, Obi-Wan Kenobi's old house." He told her, solemnly. Leia looked at the walls and the old furniture.

"What are we doing here?" She asked. "I'm here to find something." He told her as he looked into some old trunks of Ben's. "What are you trying to find?" She asked. "I need to find some equipment to make a lightsaber." He told her concentrating on looking. "Your going to make a lightsaber? Do you know how?" She asked. "No, but I'll use the force. I know the basic construction of a lightsaber, so it shouldn't be too hard." "I see." She answered.

Finally Luke came up on some equipment. He also found a few crystals. They were used to make the laser for the lightsaber. There was a blue one, a green one, a white one and a light pink one. Luke don't want the saber to be blue. He wanted to make it his own. He looked at all the stones and picked the green one. He looked over to Leia who seemed tired. "Why don't you go sleep. I'll keep watch." He told her. She nodded and told him goodnight.

Luke sat in the floor with his legs crossed trying to think of a plan. He decided that he would send Artoo and Threepio to Jaba as a trade for Han. Luke knew that Jaba would refuse the offer. Because of this, Luke would then send Leia and Chewie in. She would be dressed as a bounty hunter and hand Chewie over to Jaba. She would then that night sneer in and rescue Han, Chewbaca, Artoo and Threepio. That was plan A.

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