The Trip

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Raina went into the control room. Han was heading out with Chewie to inspect something. Leia and Raina sat in the room waiting. "Why did you kiss him?" Raina asked without thinking. Leia looked up at her. "I-I was angry." She said.

Raina felt anger bubble up inside her. She had not only hurt Han, but had played with Luke's feelings. "How could you play with Luke's feelings like that? What if he thinks you feel something for him now?" She asked. "I-I didn't think. I'm sorry, Raina. I shouldn't have done it." Raina shook her head. "There's nothing you can do about it now." She sighed.

Leia looked at her apologetically. "Raina I didn't know it would hurt you. I'm so sorry." She said. Raina looked up. "Hurt me? I'm not hurt that you kissed him. It's Luke who will be hurt." She told her. "You really care for him don't you?" She said. Raina nodded. "Of course I do." She said. "No I really care for him. Like him." She said.

Raina became nervous. "Love Luke?" Raina, nervously laughed. "I do not love Luke. I mean I care for him and want him to be safe sure, but love? No." She lied. "I think your lying. That's why when I kissed him it bothered you so much." She said.

"Even if I him. I couldn't let myself. He's my master. It would be very inappropriate." "He's not your real master." Leia countered. "True, but he does teach me and he even recognizes himself as my master." She told her. "I see." Leia nodded. "I'm just a friend and student to him. And he's a friend and...teacher to me....That's all." She reluctantly said. Leia smiled softly. "Don't worry. I won't tell him." She said.

Raina's eyes widened. "Leia! I swear. I do not have feelings for Luke." "You do, but you don't want to have feelings for him. Raina your one of my closest friends. I know you. You love Luke." She told her. Raina sighed. "Okay, I may love him a little bit, but I'm not inlove with him." She insisted.

Honestly, Raina didn't know if she was inlove with Luke. She couldn't be. She wouldn't let herself be inlove. If fell inlove she would never be able to get out of it. "I won't tell him. And I am sorry for kissing him." She apologized. Just then the General told them Han was on his way and that it had been an imperial droid. Raina sighed. "It's okay. Come on let's go meet Han." She told Leia.

They both went to meet him. The General told everyone to get to their posts and get ready for battle. Leia went into another room with the General to figure out a battle plan. Raina went to her room and got her gear on, then on her way to the docking bay went to check on Luke. She didn't really want to see him, but she did want to tell him goodbye before he left.

Raina walked into the recovery room to find him getting his boots on. The medical droid had gone into another room. "Hey." She said timidly. "Raina. Hey." He said in surprise. He seemed relived to see her. "I thought you weren't coming back." He said. He walked over to her. "I wanted to see you, before you left for Dagobah."

She looked at him to see that he was standing up and looking just fine. "I see, your back to your old self again." She acknowledged. He nodded. "I guess I am." He paused.

"Remember when you told me you owed me after Han and I rescued you and Leia from the Death Star? And... I said I would think of something, someday for you to do, to repay me?" She nodded. "Yeah, well consider it payed." He smiled. She smiled back.

"I only did what any friend would have done. You would have done the same thing for me. Let's just forget it." She shrugged. He shook his head. "I can't." He said softly. She began to feel butterflies, but quickly composed herself. She looked away from him.

He stepped closer to her. "Raina, we need to talk." He said. "What's there to talk about?" She asked. She knew he was going to bring up the kiss. "A lot of things. Look...the reason why I didn't tell you about Dagobah was because...I didn't want you to have to leave everyone here. I also...I wanted to keep you safe. I mean it could be a wild bantha chase for all I know. I didn't want to get you mixed up in all of this." He explained. She nodded.

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