Constructing A Plan

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Luke's POV.

When they had arrived at the rebel rendezvous, Luke, Leia, Chewie and Lando were greeted by Mon-Motha, Admiral Ackbar and General Rieekan. Luke was sent immediately to the medical bay. They worked on his arm all night, to stop the bleeding and to stabilize his condition.

The next day Luke sat in his bed in the large hospital room. The doctors were going to do surgery on his arm that night. Luke looked out a large window. He could see, thousands of tiny systems, from where he was. It was nothing like he had ever experienced before. The feeling he got of watching the stars was the same feeling he got when watching the Tatooine suns setting. He felt...peace, hope, promise, loneliness, and awe.  

As he looked at he beautiful galaxy, he thought of the only thing that was more beautiful to him. Raina Starlight. He wondered where she was and if she ever thought of him. He began to wonder if she had ever really loved him. Had it all just been a silly crush to her? Maybe that's why she left without saying goodbye. She knew how Luke felt.  She probably left because she didn't feel the same. Maybe he read her feelings wrong.

Luke sighed. It was all so confusing. Even though he was angry at her for leaving, he still loved her. He hoped that over the next few years he would be able to move on, but knew that it probably wouldn't be possible. He would never forget her.

Just then Leia walked in. "Hi, Luke."she greeted him with a smile. He smiled. "Hi, Leia." She cane and sat next to him on his bed. "How are you feeling?" Leia asked. "Better, but...I don't think I'll ever be the same." He told her shaking his head. Leia nodded and looked down. "Luke, I know loosing your hand is a terrible thing, but that won't ever change who you are. Your always going to be that heroic and adventurous boy from Tatooine who risked his life just to rescue me." She smiled.

The corners of Luke's lips turned up slightly. It wasn't loosing his hand that changed him. It was what he had learned. What his last was revealed to have been. "I know, but I'm not the person who thought I was. I'm someone else now. Something else. And thing is...I have to except the truth, but I don't want to." He told her.

Leia furrowed her eyebrows at him. "I don't understand." She said. He sighed. "You don't need to. It's something I have to deal with on my own. Right now you need to worry about you." He smiled.

She smiled, but looked down sadly. Luke knew why. He put his left hand on hers. "We will find Han, Leia. And we'll bring back. You have my word." He told her. She smiled. "I know."

Luke looked down and smiled slightly. "Your inlove with him, aren't you?" Luke asked. Leia looked at Luke with wide eyes. She opened her mouth to deny it, but said nothing. Luke arched an eyebrow at her. She sighed and looked down. Luke grinned. "I am." She answered. "I know you are." He smiled at her.

She looked up at him. "Luke I'm sorry." She apologized. Luke tilted his head. "Why?" He asked. "Well, I know how you feel about me and on Hoth when I kissed you I-" Luke let deep throated laugh escape his lips. She looked at him in confusion. He shook his head and smiled. "Leia...I don't feel that way about you anymore."

She smiled slightly. "You don't?" He shook his a chuckled. "No. I don't. I did, but after I met Nakari those feelings began to go away. Then after she passed away, I will admit those feelings for you came back, but over the next two years I...I didn't feel that for you anymore. And that didn't lead me on, trust me." He smiled.

"Then why did Raina tell me that you looked so happy afterwards?" She asked. Luke was surprised. Raina told Leia? " has to do with the way men compete, I guess. Han was there and...I just let it go to my head. Honestly...after the kiss and after Han left...I didn't really think of it again." He explained.

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