First Lesson

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Pre-Star Wars Episode V
Empire Strikes Back

Luke's POV.

After Raina had asked him to train her he had felt worried that he would fail her. He knew more than she did, but he was not anywhere near to being called a master. He knew how much she wanted his help, though. And when she told him she trusted him. He had looked into her eyes and found full confidence in them. It had surprised him. He agreed to teach her.

Then when she had kissed his cheek he had felt his whole body tingle. He tried to hide it though. That had been a day ago. Today he was on his way to her room to train her. He quietly prayed that everything would go well.

Raina's POV.

Raina heard a knock at her door. "Come in!" She yelled. The door opened. Luke came in. "Hey, so you ready?" He asked. She nodded. "Yep." He smiled and walked over to her. "Okay so well start with lightsaber training." He told her. Apparently there are different stances. I learned them at the old Jedi temple." Raina nodded. He pulled out his lightsaber. "Here you can use mine, for now. After you get more experience, you can start using your own." He explained.

She took the lightsaber and turned it on. It flowed with a brilliant blue. He put a seeker into the air. "Okay so take your automatic stance." He instructed. She stood, as if she were about to fight. Luke smiled. "Very good, but it would be better if you stood like this."

He walked up behind her and put his arms around her and held the lightsaber with her. He moved her arms in front of her. "You'll want to have your lightsaber in front of you. Now..." He put his hand on her waist, above her hip. Her breath hitched. He guided her waist to turn side ways. Her breathing quickened. She felt his breath on her neck.

"Good now, close your eyes." He told her softly. She did as she was told. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore what was happening. Her back was pressed up against him. He moved his other hand off of hers and to her arm. "Relax." He told her. How was she supposed to relax? She wondered. Raina breathed in and out. Trying to focus. She let herself lean on him. She could feel his heart beating quickly. She wondered why it was racing. "Feel the force flow through you." He breathed. She focused on the force and tried to tare her mind away from Luke.

Just then a bolt flew at her from the seeker. With one swift move, she blocked it. Raina opened her eyes and smiled happily. "I did it!" She exclaimed. She turned her head to look at Luke who was smiling. "I knew you could." He said.

Raina realized how close their faces were. Luke's left hand was still on her waist and had drifted down above her waist. They both looked into each other's eyes. She saw something in Luke's eyes that she hadn't seen before. She couldn't say what it was. The two of them stood there frozen. Raina could feel his breath on her face. He looked down at her no longer smiling. Raina wanted so badly to kiss him. She could hear his breathing become heavier. She wondered if he felt the same.

Their faces moved closer to one-another. Finally their foreheads touched. She felt him move in to kiss her. Her heart beat quickened and her eyes fluttered shut. Suddenly at the worst moment the seeker fired at her. It hit her in the side. She jerked away from Luke and gasped. She held her side and rubbed it. She blushed terribly.

Luke's POV.

He hadn't known what exactly was happening. All he knew is that she was in his arms and he couldn't stop thinking about her and gazing at her. She leaned into him and he felt her muscles relax. His heart began to race. He hoped she wouldn't notice. He began to get closer to her. He couldn't help himself. His breath fanning over her neck.

Suddenly, taking Luke out of the moment, the seeker fired and she successfully deflected the bolt. He smiled. She turned to him and smiled widely. "I did it!" She exclaimed. He looked into her sparkling eyes and smiled. "I knew you could."

Her smile faded as she looked at him. There was something about her that Luke couldn't understand. She was always so caring towards him and always worried for him. Never doubting him. She even looked different now. She was no longer  a young naive girl, but of course he was no longer a young naive boy. They had both grown up. He was a man now and she was young woman. A beautiful, intelligent, loving, and strong young woman.

Luke felt himself drifting to toward her face. She copied his actions. He had a powerful urge to kiss her. Their foreheads touch. He saw her eyelids flutter closed. On that note, Luke had enough of the constant nagging in his head. He leaned down towards her lips.

Right as their lips were about to meet Luke heard the seeker fire. Raina jerked away from him and groaned in pain. She had been hit in the side by a laser bolt. Luke backed up blinking. He never should have done that. Not only was she his friend, but now she was his padawan. It wasn't right. He had caused her to get distracted.

He went over to Raina worriedly. "Are you okay?" He asked. She stood back up and shut his lightsaber off. "Yeah. I think so." She answered. He put his hand on her arm and looked her over briefly. When he looked at her face, she was looking up at him with a look he hadn't seen before.

Luke began to feel the urge to kiss her again, and now wishing that they wouldn't have been interrupted before. He leaned down to kiss her, but soon realized what he was doing. Luke cleared his throat and leaned back up. Raina looked up at him. "We should get back to training." He told her. She nodded and smiled.

Was he falling for her? He wondered. Or was just in the moment? He shook his head. She was his best friend he didn't have feelings for her.

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