I've Been Tagged!!!!

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Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story! So as you know Thai is not an update. I've been tagged again by Reylo_and_BB8 ! Anyway here it goes!

1. What is your favorite color?

I would say my favorite color is Royal Blue or Powder Puff Pink.

2. What is your favorite food?

I absolutely LOVE pizza! My favorite pizza place is Pizza Hut!

3. Your best friend's name is...?

Her name is Alaura. She a wonderful friend and had always been there for me. She encourages me and is a blessing from God.

4. TV or Video Games?

I would say TV. I like video games as well, but if I had to choose one I would pick TV.

5. Best vacation spot?

I've always wanted to go to either France, Greece or Rome, but of the places I have gone I would definitely choose Walt Disney World in Florida! I'm actually going there at the beginning of August with my family! My family actually went there two years ago for my Sweet 16. It was wonderful!

6. Reading books or writing books?

I would say reading books. I absolutely love writing, but reading helps me relax and relieves stress. I also love how a book can take you to a new world. If I ever feel like I need to escape I always pick up a book or read one on my iPhone or ipad. I love to use my imagination and reading a book really makes all my creativity flow. A lot of the times while reading I will even come up with new ideas for some of my wattpad stories.

7. Tag 20 people!

Okay guys here it goes!

1. --RebekahMikaelson--
3. Katnissluke431
4. A_Humble_Infinity
5. jedi_skywalker
6. jdragon321
7. dconthecw
8. lukes_kisses
9. stand_with_cap
10. AgentSunny
11. jurassic_mania8
12. anikenobi
13. CheyenneSoehnholz
14. anakinpadmeforlife
15. leia_solo
16. illestniyah_
17. ItsMeLeoooo
18. dankat4
19. ErinMolineaux2
20. queen_jedi

Okay guys! Thanks for reading! And remember I love your comments! Bye!😘😘😘

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