The Ewok Village

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Raina's POV.

Raina watched as the Ewoks began to pile branches and twigs under Han. "Somehow I get the feeling that didn't help us very much." Han said, looking over at Leia. Leia looked to Luke, helplessly. "Luke what can we do?" She asked.

Raina was surprised that Leia had asked Luke instead of Han. She looked to Han who was also surprised. Raina pushed her jealousy further down. She wandered if while she had been gone Luke and Leia had gotten closer.

"Luke?" Leia repeated. Raina looked over to Luke who was in deep thought. Just then Luke looked over to C3PO. "Threepio, tell them if they don't do as you wish, you'll become angry
and use your magic." He said. Raina furrowed her eyebrows. What did he have in mind? She wandered. "But Master Luke, what magic? I couldn't possibly-" She could feel Luke's patience whetting out with the droid. "Just tell them." He ordered firmly, raising his voice slightly. Raina knew that was something Luke hardly ever did. The droid was really testing his patience.

Threepio told the Ewoks what Luke had ordered. The Ewoks jumped back, but their chief made a sweeping motion with his staff, telling them to continue. "You see, Master Luke; they didn't believe me. Just. . ." Raina felt a calming peace come from Luke. She looked over to see him close his eyes. His face was calm and in complete concentration.

Suddenly she heard Threepio exclaim. ". . . I said they wouldn't. Wha-wha-what's happening! Oh! Oh, dear! Oh!" Raina looked back to see Threepio slowly floating into the air on his throne. He then stopped and began to majestically spin there. "Put me down! He-e-elp! Master Luke! Artoo! Somebody, somebody, help! Master Luke, Artoo! Artoo, quickly! Do something, somebody! Oh! Ohhh!" Threepio exclaimed. The Ewoks gasped in fright. Rain looked back to Luke who had now opened his eyes in full concentration. She couldn't believe it.

The Ewoks quickly began to untie the rebels. Raina rubbed the blood back into her wrists. Luke and Han ran over to Leia. Han made it there first picking up Leia and kissing her. Luke ran over to the two and hugged Leia. Raina smiled as she watched them. She walked over to Leia and hugged her.

Just then Artoo beeped to Luke. The group looked up to see the golden droid still floating in the air. Luke lowered the droid down gently. "Thanks Threepio." He smiled. "I never knew I had it in me." He said in relief. Raina laughed and shook her head.

Later that evening the Ewoks had taken the group into a hut. Everyone sat down. The chief told Threepio that they would help them defeat the Empire, if he told them what the war was about. Then they would decide whether or not to help.

Threepio stood in the middle of the room and began to tell about all of their adventures. Raina couldn't understand a word he was saying, but picked up a little by his hand gestures and sound effects. From the escape of the Death Star, and its destruction, to the attack on Hoth. The Ewoks sat quietly and listened.

When he got to the part of Luke and Raina's trip to Degobah the two couldn't help but glance over at one another. Luke looked away from her uncomfortably. She sighed, looking back to Threepio. He continued telling of Han being frozen in carbonite and told of how Luke went and faced Vader. He finally got to the here and now and the story was over.

The Ewoks began to chatter and talk to one another. Han leaned over to Leia and asked a question Leia shook her head. Raina who was standing against the wall looked curiously at the tiny creatures. Threepio turned to everyone. "Wonderful! We are now a part of the tribe." He exclaimed. Raina smiled as a baby Ewok ran over to her and hugged her legs. She picked it up and smiled hugging it back.

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