Rescuing, Solo.

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Raina's POV.

Raina was in her room and decided to take a quick nap. She laid down and closed her eyes
At that moment she was taken to a room. Luke's father Anakin and apparent mother, Padme were talking and she looked to be pregnant.

Padme was telling Anakin of how the baby would change their life. That she would be asked to resign and he would be kicked out of the Jedi order. They had kept being married a secret. Then Raina heard Anakin talk about a dream he had of Padme dying in childbirth.

Raina then found herself on a planet of lava. From afar she could see Padme running to a hooded man. He uncovered his hood and hugged her. They began talking. Raina walked closer wanting to hear. "...Obi-Wan told me terrible things." Padme told the man. Raina walked closer. She stood behind the man and only saw Padme. "What things?" The man asked. Raina could feel a familiar darkness about him.

"He said you have turned to the dark side . . . " 'Dark Side. Dark Side. Dark Side.' Echoed through Raina's mind. Padme looked at the man desperately. "He knows. He wants to help you." She told him. "Is Obi-Wan going to protect you? He can't ... he can't help you. He's not strong enough." The man told her. His voice sounded so familiar still.

While watching the scene she seemed to accidentally miss most of the conversation. There words became hushed ever once and a while and all she could see were their mouths moving.

". . . I become more powerful than any Jedi has ever dreamed! . . . I have brought peace to the Republic. I am more powerful than the Chancellor. I can overthrow him, and together you and I can rule the galaxy. Make things the way we want them to be." The turned Jedi exclaimed.

"I don't believe what I'm hearing...Obi-Wan was right. . ." Padme backed away from him, crying

Suddenly the world seemed to turn uncontrollably and the two's words became mumbled. Raina gripped her head and fell to the ground.

"Liar!" Raina heard the man yell. Raina gasped. She watched as a young Obi-Wan walked off of the Naboo cruiser. Padme jumped. She then turned and saw Obi-Wan. "No!" She denied. "Your with him! You brought him here to kill me!" The turned Jedi yelled. "No! I swear....I..." She was cut off by the man force choking her in anger.

Padme grabbed at her throat. Raina gasped. "No!" She yelled, but no one heard her.
Obi -Wan began to talk to the man. She could not hear their words as the tow conversed. Soon the dark Jedi released his grip on Padme and she fell to the ground, unconscious. "No!" She screamed. Raina tried to run to Padme, but her legs wouldn't move. She couldn't get off the ground.  Her whole body was frozen. All she could do was watch in terror.

The men circled one another and then they both drew their lightsabers. Their lightsabers connected fiercely and with a bright flash the vision disappeared.

Raina opened her eyes and was in her room, sitting on the floor. Who has that been? What did that vision mean? None of this made sense."

Luke's POV.

Luke had gone to Jaba and asked for him to let his friends go. He saw Leia and what Jaba had down to her. He had made her his slave. Luke felt anger bubble in him, but calmed himself. After talking to Jaba, Luke finally used the Force to send a blaster flying into his hand, but before he could do anything Jaba opened a panel in the floor and Luke fell into an arena of some sort.

A giant monster came out and attacked him. Luke eventually was able to kill the monster and was taken back up to Jaba. Han was awake, but blind. Jaba sentenced Luke and Han to death, by the Sarlacc. Luke saw Leia looking worriedly at him. He nodded to her assuring her everything would be alright.

They took Han and Luke to the Sarlacc pit on a barge. They put out a plank for them to walk. Lando was disqcuized as a guard. Luke told Han to stay close to him. Luke could feel Leia's worry. He tried to console her through the Force. Finally they made Luke to walk the plank.

Luke looked up to the top of Jaba's main barge to see Artoo on the roof. He saluted to him and jumped. He fell and caught the edge of the plank. Luke Force jumped into the air and landed catching his lightsaber. The battle began.

At the end of the battle Luke was on the main barge fighting off Jaba's henchmen. His the hand by a blaster Luke saw Leia and told her to pout a canon at the deck. After that he gathered Leia in his arms and swung down to the barge where his friends were. "Let's go. And don't forget the droids." Luke told Lando. They picked up the droids and heard a giant explosion. Luke looked back to see the main sail barge explode into a million pieces.

Leia ran over to Han and hugged him. Luke smiled at the two. He looked down silently wishing he could have that. He shook it off. He was a Jedi. He couldn't want that. In that way, Raina was right. They could never be. He was never aloud to have that.

Luke took his cloak and wrapped it around Leia. "Here." He told her. She smiled. "Thanks." "Wait. What's going on?" Han asked. "Luke just gave me something to cover myself." She said. "Wait. What? Cover yourself?" Han asked. He mumbled quietly to Luke. "I really wish my eyes worked right now." Luke rolled his eyes. "It's good to have you back." He said.

When they got close to where heir ships were they got off the barge. A large sandstorm began. Luke and Lando walked with Chewie. Lando held a tracker. "Up ahead!" Lando told them. "I think my eyes are getting better. Now all I see is a bunch of sand." Han shouted. "That's all any of us can see!" Leia shouted back.

Luke ran to the Falcon and lowered the ramp. He held onto the ramp and helped Threepio, Lando and Chewie on the ship. Han and Leia stopped. Luke walked up to them. "I'll meet you back at the fleet." Luke told them. "Why don't you leave that crate and come with us. We're faster." Han asked. Luke shook his head, but smiled. "I have a promise to keep, to an old friend." Luke said. Now that everything was over, Luke had to return to Yoda and finish his training, as he promised.

Leia smiled at Luke and hugged him. He smiled and kissed her cheek. She pulled away. "Thank you for everything Luke and be careful. We'll be waiting for your return. See you back at the fleet. Leia said. He nodded. "Okay. See you soon." He answered. Leia walked up the ramp into the Falcon. Luke turned to walk away.

"Hey, kid!" Han shouted. Luke stopped and turned around. Han walked over to Luke and put his hand on his shoulder. "Thanks for coming after me." Luke smiled kindly at Han. "Think nothing of it." "I'm thinking...I owe you one." Han said. Luke smiled warmly and shook Han's hand. He then turned around, covered his head with his scarf and walked walked to his x-wing, which Artoo was already in.

Luke got in and looked down to his right hand. The place where he had been shot was broken open, exposing electrical wires. He tried to close it, but it wouldn't stay. He put a black glove on his hand, to hide it.

Before he took of he looked out the cockpit window, at the blowing sand. Here he was. Leaving Tatooine again. He shook his head. His past always seemed to come back and haunt him somehow. He wondered if, in the future, he would be reminded of something in his past again. With that thought Luke started his x-wings engines.

Luke took of into space. The Falcon flew next to him and then broke off into the opposite direction. "See you back at the fleet." "Hurry." Leia told him. "I will." Luke told her. "Hey, kid. Thanks again for rescuing me. This time, I owe you one." Han said. Luke smiled and shut the radio off.

Artoo beeped. Luke read the screen. "That's right, Artoo. We're going back to Dagobah." Luke answered. Artoo beeped disappointedly. Luke read the screen again. "Why do we have to go back." Artoo asked. "I have a promise to an old friend." Luke answered. He set his course for Dagobah.

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