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Star Wars Episode V
Empire Strikes Back

Raina's POV.

It had been two years since the battle of Yavin. Luke and Raina had grown incredibly close. He was now her master and she his padawan, although they never acted that way. Raina used to find it hard to learn from Luke. Especially when he had to make close contact with her, but eventually she got used to it.

There were actually a few times where Luke and Raina would be close and would seem to get lost in each other's eyes. Raina knew it was just the two of them getting caught up in the moment, but she secretly wished that it was real.

The rebellion's base had been moved to Hoth after a attempted attack from the Empire. Luke and Raina had also been promoted. Luke was now a commander and Raina was a major. Luke and Raina had gone out on tauntauns to check the area.

"Luke, I've finished the circle. Everything looks fine. No signs of life. I'll meet you back at the base." Raina told Luke through the radio. "No, you go use freezing to death. There's a real pretty ice formation on the other side of the ridge...want to get a closer look at it. I'll Follow you in a few minutes." Luke answered.

"Luke I don't know about that. I have a bad feeling about it." She told him. "Now Raina, I think I know what I'm doing. You go back to the base and wait. I'll be fine." He told her. "But-" "Raina as your master I order you." He ordered. Raina huffed. "You had to use that, didn't you?" He laughed. "I did. Now go." She smiled and spoke into her radio. "Okay see you back at the base." She road off.

As soon as she got back she went to her room and got washed up. She had been out all day and needed to freshen up. After she got cloths on and took a shower, she went out to the docking bay.

Han and Leia seemed worried and Han was calling officers over. Raina looked around and didn't see Luke anywhere. She ran over to Han. "What's going on?" She asked. "Luke isn't back yet and it's getting dark." He said. "Oh no! I told him not to stay out there!" She exclaimed. "I'm going out to find him." He told her.

"Not without me." She said. "Raina, you have to stay-" Raina glared at Han. "I will not stay here and wait for you two to come back. I'm going out there. Luke needs me." Han looked taken back. "Okay. Let's get going." She put on her gear over her regular cloths. "Sir, the temperature's dropping too rapidly." An officer warned Han. "That's right. And our friends out in it." Han said. "Your Tauntaun'll freeze before you reach the first marker." The officer warned them. "We can't leave him out there alone. We'll find him." She said and they left.

They rode their tauntauns all over, looking for any sign of Luke. Finally they found him. He was mumbling and injured. Raina ran to him. "Luke!" She exclaimed. "Yoda...Dagobah." "Hes delusional." Han said. "We've got to get him back!" She told him. They dragged him over to there tauntauns. Suddenly they both fell over. They were all going to be trapped out there.

"Han what do we do?" She asked. He took Luke's lightsaber and turned it on, then he cut open one of the tauntaun carcasses. "Here. Put him in here. It will keep him warm. Raina grimaced. She and Han put Luke inside the tauntaun. "That'll keep him warm." Han said. Luke began to mumble again.

"Yoda...Yoda! Dagobah system! Ben!" Luke shouted. "You know why he's talkin' about?" Han asked. Raina shook her head. "Not a clue, except I do know that he's talking about Obi-Wan Kenobi." She said. Han nodded. "That old master he was being trained by." Han said. "Here we should sit next to the other tauntaun." Han instructed.

They both sat there and tried to stay awake throughout the night. Raina would look over at Luke once and a while to make sure he was still breathing. At one point she went over and sat with him. She worried that he wouldn't make it. A year fell down her face.

"Stay with me Luke

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"Stay with me Luke." She smiled sadly. "You know, there's something I've never told you and probably will never be brave enough to tell you...I love you. I love you, Luke. Please be okay." She said. Han walked over and joined her. She quickly got herself back together.

"He'll be okay." Han told her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I hope so." She said gazing at Luke. "You really care for the kid...don't you?" He asked. "I wouldn't be out here if I didn't." She answered. "He's a lucky guy, to have a girl like you care for him." "Thanks, but I don't know if he feels that way." She said. "He's an idiot if he doesn't. He doesn't know how lucky he is." Han said. "Thanks."

The next morning Han and Raina got up and watched for a rescue squad. Raina went over and sat with Luke. He was breathing, but barely. Finally Han yelled loudly. "They're here kid Their here!" He exclaimed. Raina and Han both jumped up and waved their hands in the air. "Captain Solo, Major Starlight. Get ready to be picked up." The officer said over the radio. "What took you so long?" Han asked sarcastically. The man laughed.

They picked the three up and took them back to the base. When they arrived medics quickly ran over to Luke. Leia ran up to Han and Raina. She hugged Han. "I'm so glad your alright!" She exclaimed. She looked like she had been crying. Han smiled and hugged her back. He was obviously inlove with her. Leia quickly composed herself and looked over to Raina. "I'm so glad you both are okay." She said. Han's smile faded. " I am too. I-" Raina began, but stopped. The medics were rushing to Luke's side and shouting. Raina felt panic set in.

She ran over to Luke. "We have to take him and treat him immediately." The medic said. Leia came over. "Oh Luke!" She exclaimed. "He'll be okay." Han said putting his arm around Leia. "I'll go with him." Raina told Leia and Han. "Are you sure?" Leia asked. Raina nodded. She couldn't leave him.

They took him back and put him in a bacta-tank. Raina stood and watched him. She even slept there some nights. Leia and Han would come and visit as well. Finally while they were visiting Luke's eyes opened. Raina smiled. He was going to be okay. They raised him out of the tank and took him to a recovery room.

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