Raging Battles

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Luke's POV.

Luke stood by Vader drowning in fear, worry and anger. He had to control himself. "Come, boy. See for yourself." The Emperor ordered. Vader looked at Luke and began to walk over next to the Emperors throne. Luke followed.

The Emperor gestured toward a smaller window to his left. Luke walked over hesitantly. "From here you will witness the final destruction of the Alliance, and the end of your insignificant Rebellion." Luke watched in horror. It was all true. He had planned everything.

Luke stood in front of the window watching the battle. The rebels had been tricked and were being brutally beaten. Luke was in awful torment. Luke turned to look at the evil man. He hated him. Luke looked down to his lightsaber that was resting on the arm of the Emperor's throne. All he had to do was call it to him. He could kill the Emperor and end it all. His fingers inched to have it in his grasp.

The Emperor smiled and touched Luke's saber, snapping him out of his thoughts. "You want this, don't you? The hate is swelling in you now. Take your Jedi weapon. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger." Luke was. very tempted to do exactly that, but closed his eyes, sighing heavily and turned back to the window. He tried to calm himself, to let go of his anger and hatred, but was failing.

"With each passing moment, you make yourself more my servant." He spoke in a snake like voice. Luke was horrified. What was he doing? He would not let his father's fate be his own. He could not. He turned back to the Emperor. "No." He said firmly. Vader watched his son, seeing how much agony and torment he was in. "It is unavoidable. It is your destiny. You, like your father, are now mine."

Fear spread throughout Luke. Luke looked at his father, to see him already looking at him. He turned back to the Emperor. He had to keep control. Luke turned to look out the window. Luke had never felt more lost before in his life. He tried to think of ever lesson that Obi-Wan and Yoda had ever taught him. Their words flew through his mind. They calmed him, but not enough.

Vader watched his boy. He was strong and powerful, but still pliable. He was not lost to the weak part of the Force where you had to beg for everything. He still had time to turn him. And then they would destroy the Emperor and would rule the galaxy. Vader knew how much his master feared Luke. His son had seen the Emperor's fear as well. His son was very clever and smart.

Luke stood horrified by the sight. The rebel fleet was being decimated in front of his eyes.
"As you can see, my young apprentice, your friends have failed. Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational battle
station." Luke watched the Emperor as he turned on a comlink. "Fire at will, Commander." Luke, wide eyed, turned to the window. He felt so weak and helpless. How could he just stand there and let this happen? That was all Luke did, though.

Luke watched as a green laser hit one of the ships. It was instantly destroyed. Anger bubbled inside him, hatred and fear for the rebellion and his friends. "Your fleet has lost. And your friends on the Endor moon will not survive. There is no escape, my young apprentice. The Alliance will die...as will your friends." The Emperor spoke.

Luke glared at the Sith, his eyes full of rage. Vader watched his son closely feeling how close he was to breaking. The Emperor closed his eyes and smiled. "Good. I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your weapon! Strike me down with all your hatred, and your journey towards the dark side will be complete."

Luke's breathing was heavy he had to calm himself. He turned reluctantly, yet forcefully towards the window. He closed his eyes trying to find strength. Trying to find peace, but there was none.

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