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Luke's POV.

Raina and Luke had been on Dagobah for a few weeks now. Ever since they had been tested in the dark cave, Raina had been avoiding him. Luke didn't understand why. He wondered what she had seen in her vision. He walked from their camp to Yoda's house. Before he got to the small hovel, he came to the bank of the lake and saw Raina sitting on a rock meditating. A breeze blew and her hair gently flew in front of her face. She looked at peace.

Luke felt oddly drawn to her. He began to walk to her. He could feel her strong presence in the force. He wanted to always feel it. He sat down in front of her and smiled gently at her. Her eyes opened. She smiled, but quickly looked away. Luke felt saddened. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you." He apologized. She nodded. "It's okay."

She got up and began to practice her lightsaber skills. Luke stood up. "Hey. Do you remember when I taught you how to use a lightsaber?" He asked smiling. She nodded not looking at him. His smile faded. He shook it off and tried to brighten up. "It was the first time I had ever taught you." He chuckled slightly. "I was so nervous, I could hardly sleep the night before." He told her. She ignored him.

Luke walked closer to her, but stayed a safe distance form her lightsaber. "But, when I came in to your room and saw you....you looked at me with complete trust in your eyes. I saw how much confidence and belief that you had in me. No one had ever looked at me like that before. That was the first time I ever had confidence in myself to teach." He told her.

Raina had looked over at him now, and had stopped her lightsaber exercises, but hadn't said anything. "And like usual, you were the one who gave me that confidence." Luke told her as he came closer to her. She didn't move away. She lowered her lightsaber slightly. He had a weird sensation that she wanted him to come to her.

He stopped right in front of her and looked her into her eyes. "I'm stronger, in so many ways because of you. And I thank you for that, Raina." She looked at him with a small smile on her lips. Her eyes were filled with something, that made Luke's heart flutter. "Luke I-" He drew closer, yet again. He looked down, over her face and took in every fine and perfect detail. "Yes?" He asked quietly. His heart was beating fast. She didn't answer and just looked up at him.

He felt the strange sensation again. She wanted him closer. It was strong. He willingly leaned forward and went to kiss her. He felt the sensation grow even stronger. Then suddenly it grew into panic.

Raina took in a sharp breath and jerked her head away from him. She closed her eyes tightly, breathing unevenly and she was now incredibly tense. Luke looked down and sighed. She glanced at him and began to walk off. He felt guilty for trying to kiss her, but he was tired of her ignoring him, so he went after her.

"Raina! Raina, wait!" She ignored him and kept walking into the forest. He dodged some low hanging branches and ran quickly after her. She was about run deeper into the forest, but Luke quickly grabbed her arm and jerked her towards him. "Raina, listen." He told her. She turned her head away from him and looked towards the ground. She became stiff in his arms. "Would you please, just listen to me?" He gently shook her. He was tired of her avoiding him. She squeezed her eyes shut. "I'm, listening." She answered quietly.

Luke sighed and shook his head. He didn't understand what was wrong. What had he done? He let go of her and turned away, trying to calm down. He turned to her. "Listen. I admit, it was wrong of me...to try and-and kiss you." He paused. He had just admitted to trying to kiss her. Right then she looked at him, in surprise.

He continued. "But that still doesn't explain, why you've been avoiding me these past few weeks. What did I do? Why are you keeping your distance from me?" He asked her. She opened her mouth and closed it again. She looked down. He felt so confused. "I thought we were friends." He added. She sighed. "We are, Luke." She told him. She sounded as if she was about to cry. "Then why are you avoiding me?" He asked gently. "I'm not avoiding you." She denied.

"Yes you are! Ever since we came out of the dark cave, you've been ignoring me. What I wanna know, is why? What did you see in that cave, to make you want to avoid me?" He asked. Had she seen him as Darth Vader in her vision. "Nothing." "Raina, I know you saw something. Now tell me what it was." He said going over to her. "Luke pl-" She paused.

He raised his eyebrows, waiting for a truthful answer. She sighed in frustration. "Yes okay? Yes, I saw something. Now are you happy?" She asked. Luke sighed. "Raina, it's okay. I saw something too, but the future isn't written. We have free will. We choose our future, not that cave. "Yes. I know, but...it still doesn't change anything." She looked away from him. Luke was, now angry and confused. "Doesn't change what?! Raina, I don't understand you! Your not making any sense! What doesn't it change?!" He asked firmly.

She glared at him. "It doesn't change the fact that your inlove with me!" She snapped. Luke stopped in his tracks. Inlove with her? He didn't know what to say. "Raina...just because I almost kissed you doesn't mean, I'm inlove with you." He assured her.

She rolled her eyes. "Don't be silly. Your not inlove with me yet." She scoffed. Luke furrowed his eyebrows at her. "Yet? You mean...I will be?" He asked raising an eyebrow. She opened her mouth, turned away and mumbled an answer under her breath. "What?" He asked her. "It's possible." She told him.

"You mean there's a possibility that... I may fall inlove with you." He concluded. "Yes." She answered quietly. Luke let the idea bounce around in his head. It honestly didn't seem that bad to him. He let a small breathy laugh escape his lips.

He looked over at her. "Is that what you saw?" He asked. "Me falling inlove with you?" He added. He walked over to her. "No. You admitted your feelings to me." She said almost sadly. "So I told you that I was inlove with you?" He clarified. She nodded, looking down.

He took a deep breath

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He took a deep breath. It was a lot to take in. He began to smile at the thought of him inlove with Raina. It wasn't unbelievable, that was for sure. He could easily fall inlove with her.

He looked back at her, she was looking away from him sadly. "And what would be so bad if I did?" She looked up at him. "Fall inlove with you, I mean." He added. He began to draw closer to her. "Don't say things like that." She told him. "Don't say thing like what? That I'm not afraid to fall inlove with you. Because if I didn't...I would be lying." Luke admitted softly.
He was so close to her now that he was looking down at her beautiful face.

"Luke, don't." Raina warned. Her voice was shaking ever so slightly.
He didn't know what had come over him. All he wanted to do now was kiss her and even let himself fall inlove. "Maybe I want to." He told her quietly. Their faces grew closer each second. "Want to what?" She whispered. "Fall inlove with you." She drew in a silent breath.

Luke decided he was done with being interrupted. He leaned down the rest of the way and closed the gap. She took in a sharp breath from surprise. She didn't hesitate to kiss him back. Luke put his arms around her waist, while Raina's hands held onto his upper arms. Their lips moved in sync. She moved one of her hands behind his neck, as he moved one of his hands to her back. Luke had never kissed anyone like this. It felt different. There was something perfect about it.

After about ten seconds Luke pulled away slowly. The two stared at one another, breathing heavily. He looked at her lovingly. He could see her doing the same, until suddenly panic struck her face.

Raina pulled away from his arms and ran back towards the camp. Luke felt hurt by her actions, but didn't go after her. He knew she needed time. He looked and sighed. Just then he heard a whistle and a beep.

He turned his head to see Artoo standing there. Luke rolled his eyes. The droid had seen everything. "Oh, go deactivate." He said frustratedly. Artoo an amused sound and turned around. Luke shook his head. What would he do now?

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