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Raina's POV.

Raina had been at the rebels rendezvous point for about a month now. When she had arrived she had learned that Han Chewie and Leia had not shown up yet. She worried for them, but knew that Han would protect Leia. She also knew that they had probably run into some trouble.

After leaving Luke, Raina found herself lonely and depressed. She couldn't stop thinking of how hurt he would be. She had left for his own good though.  At least he would be safe. Raina decided to drown herself in her work, to get her mind off off everything.

The day started out pretty much like usual. She fulfilled all her duties and ate lunch. Just then Raina saw some cadets talking. They seemed upset. She walked over to them. "What's going on?" She asked. "Mon-Motha sent a destress signal to the General. Her transport has been captured by an Imperial Star Cruiser." The man told her.

She gasped. "What are they planing to do?" She asked. "I don't know. They we're thinking of sending a squadron to rescue her, but there would be too many fatalities." One cadet said. She sighed. They had to get her out of there. "Excuse me." She told them.

Raina walked to the command room. The General and Admiral were standing there arguing. "We have to send someone to get her!" Admiral Ackbar exclaimed. "Admiral, our two best pilots are missing, not to mention all the other pilots who still haven't reported in. We lost a lot of good men and women in the The Battle of Hoth. I don't know if we can risk anymore until absolutely necessary." The General told Admiral Ackbar. Raina couldn't believe was he was saying. They had to rescue her. Mon-Motha was the leader of the rebellion.

"Sir. I would be happy to volunteer, to my services in helping rescue Mon-Motha." Raina spoke up. The two turned to her. "You? Thank you..." He paused looking at her rank. "Major, but just one person can't be sent on a rescue mission." The General told her.

"Wait. We are desperate. We will except any help offered. What's your name Major." Admiral Ackbar asked. She smiled gratefully. "Starlight, sir. Raina Starlight." She answered. He shook her hand. "It's wonderful to see an ambitious and courageous officer like yourself, Starlight." He complemented. "Thank you sir."

"Alright, so we have our squadron leader. Now we just need a team." He told the General. He shook his head. The General did not think it was a good idea obviously. Raina thought differently. "I can round up a team and be ready by tomorrow." She told them both. Ackbar smiled and nodded. "Good. Now go. There's no time to waist!" Raina saluted him and walked out. She knew exactly who to get.

She walked into the landing bay. "Wedge!" She yelled. He smiled. "Mon-Motha's been captured by the Empire. I'm looking for some willing officers to take a squad with me and rescue her." She told him. He nodded. "I'm in. Hey, do know if Luke is coming back anytime soon? I know he'd be willing to help." Wedge said.

Raina looked down briefly and shrugged. "Umm, I...I don't know when he's...coming back." She said trying to hide her sadness. Wedge nodded. "Oh, Okay. I was just thinking you'd know since the two of you headed in the same direction when you left Hoth." Raina shook her head. Why did they have to talk about this? "No. I don't know when he's coming back or if he ever will." She said, mumbling the last part.

"Too bad. Hopefully he'll be back soon. Anyway, well I knows some guys who'll help us out." He said. "Okay. All of you guys meet me here tomorrow at 06:00. And be ready for take off." She ordered. She was officially the mission leader.

That night Raina could hardly sleep. All she could think about was her mission and of course Luke. She wished so much that he would be going on the mission with her. It would have been so comforting. He seemed to always brighten her day, even during stricken and stressful missions.

Raina sighed. She had to stop thinking about him. They had two different lives now. He was going to become a Jedi and she was going to help the Rebellion.

She had basically given up on the whole becoming a Jedi knight thing. She would use the force and use what she had learned, but that was all. She didn't feel the need to seek out any help to learn. She probably wasn't right for that life anyway, if she wasn't strong enough to control her emotions. Raina decided to stop thinking about the past. She closed her eyes went to sleep.

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