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Luke's POV.

Luke landed on Endor in a small clearing. He couldn't wait to see everyone. Before he could he knew he had to do something first. Luke walked out of the shuttle and began looking for some large sticks and twigs. He gathered some up and began to build a pyre. By the time he had finished, the sun had set and the stars were now lighting the night sky.

Luke solemnly walked into the shuttle. He leaned down and picked up his father's body gently. He cared his father out of the shuttle and to the pyre. He laid his father's body down on the pyre gently. Luke climbed back down to the ground and looked up at his father's lifeless body. A ball was caught in his throat. His father had saved him and had turned to the light. Anakin said that Luke had saved him, but in reality he had a ultimately been his choice.

Luke thought back to the conversation he and his father had on the Death Star. He smiled. He would always cherish that memory. Luke remembered when his father called him son for the first time after he had turned back to the light side. It was everything Luke and ever wanted. All he had wanted since he was a young boy was to have his father and in that short time he actually did.

Luke took a deep breath and picked up a large stick. He lit it on fire. Luke walked slowly to the pyre and lit the sticks underneath it. He backed away and stood silently, watching the flames cover his father's body. A tear slid down Luke's face. The fire crackled.

Luke heard loud pops. He looked up into the sky and saw fireworks going off. The Galaxy was celebrating. Luke looked back to his father and smiled. He died a hero. Luke would always remember his father as Anakin Skywalker the Jedi Knight.

Raina's POV.

The treetop village was clamoring. All the Rebels had come together in the Ewok village on Endor. Their was music and laughter filling the village. People hugged one another and greeted other rebels whether they knew them or not. Lando had returned with his squadron along with Wedge. Han and Leia went around greeting everyone. Leia, being one of the leaders, was more social than Han.

Unlike everyone else Raina did not participate in the partying. She had other things on her mind. Raina walked down the wooden path and found an area that was some what quite. Raina leaned her folded arms on the wooden railing and looked out onto the forest.
Fireworks lit up the sky and the sound of Rebel soldiers singing filled the air. Everything had finally been set right. Just as Luke had promised.

Luke. Her former Master, best friend and the love of her life. Raina was sure now that he was never coming back. Everyone had now returned, but Luke was still missing. She had already asked around hoping that someone had seen him, but no. Raina had excepted now that Luke was gone. He had died along with the Emperor, Vader and everyone else.

Raina frowned, looking out at the forest. She looked down and saw small bonfires with Ewoks dancing around them throughout the wood. She couldn't help, but smile contently. This was everything Luke had fought for. He would have been happy. She could just imagine his beautiful smile.

Raina closed her eyes letting a tear fall. She wished that he would have been able to know she loved him, but she knew she had made the right choice. She knew when Luke faced Vader that his love for her wasn't a weakness. Although, he did have other weaknesses, like Vader being his father. Raina hoped with all her heart that Luke did not turn to the dark side before he died.

As she stood there with her eyes shut she began to feel a familiar presence. Full of hope, light and joy. It was Luke. Raina opened her eyes and smiled softly. She remembered what he had told her before he left.

Raina looked up to him. "Promise me you'll come back." She said looking him in the eye. He smiled sadly at her. "I can promise you that. . . no matter what happens I will always be with you." He told her, taking her hands in his.
**************end of flashback**************

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