Chapter Eight

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"BEEP! BEEP!" Katie's alarm clock blared at her, telling her that she had to wake up and go to another day of school. 

She slammed her hand on the snooze button and rolled back into a comfortable position on her bed to fall asleep again.

Her wishes to sleep in a bit more were unfortunately not granted when,

"KATIKAT! KATIKAT!" Her brother yelled as her came barreling in her room. He than climbed onto her bed and proceeded to jump. "Wake up!" He yelled. "Wake up!"

"No!" Katie replied sharply as she closed her eyes harder and pulled a blanket over her head.

Matt than stopped jumping, pulled a bit of blanket down to reveal her head, and whispered in her ear, "It's our birthday."

"IT'S WHAT?!" Katie sprang up and got out of her bed.

"You forgot? It's April 3rd!" Matt asked as he jumped off her bed.

"Kind of." Katie said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Well, get ready." Matt said as he started to exit the room. "Mom is making peanut butter and chocolate pancakes for breakfast."

He closed the door, and immediately Katie rushed to get ready. Peanut butter and chocolate pancakes were her and Matt's personal favorite breakfast.

She changed into her school uniform, packed her backpack, brushed her hair and teeth, then went downstairs to eat the breakfast her mother prepared for her.

The downstairs were filled with the smell of chocolate and peanut butter. It made Katie all the more excited.

She entered the kitchen to see her brother and mother already eating at the dinner table. Right by them was another plate with a couple of pancakes.

She sat at the table as she said to her mother, "Good morning!"

"Good morning, Katie. Today is a special day, isn't it?" Her mother replied.

"Yeah! Matt and I are eleven now!" Katie replied than shoved some of her food in her mouth.

"You two are growing older everyday. I swear, if I even blink, you guys will be adults already."

"Well," Katie said with her mouth full. She than swallowed the rest of her food. "I'm pretty sure we won't grow up that fast. Just give us some years."

"Yeah, but once it's here it will feel like today was just yesterday." Colleen sighed.

"Probably." Matt commented. "But let's wait until that day comes to think about it."

"Yeah, you're right." Colleen than took Matt and her plate to the sink as Matt grabbed his backpack. "Eat quickly, Katie. The bus will be here any minute."


Katie sat in the corner of the play ground like she usually did. She had a perfect view of the smaller soccer field the school had. A lot more people had seem to be playing today than there usually were.

Out on the field, it looked as if Tyler and his friends' team were winning, but than again, she never played the game or cared to learn, so it wasn't the easiest to tell.

Tyler had the ball and was heading for the goal. Usually, she kept quiet and didn't say anything, but today, she had this urge she never felt before. She stood up and yelled, "Go Tyler!"

He turned and looked at her with at first a surprised look, but than a big smile appeared on his face perfectly framing his wavy blonde hair as he ran. Sadly, it didn't last long. Tyler had ended up tripping on the ball and fell back first.

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