Chapter Sixteen

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Over the months, Katie started to realize pretty quick, that not only was Ms. Jensen new, but she admired her father. She would randomly quote her father sometimes in class or she would use sentences about her father to use as example sentences. Like in September, they were leaning the spot the differences between facts and opinions.

She wrote on the board, "Samuel Holt was the first man on Mars." and "Samuel Holt is the best astronaut that ever lived."

"Both of these may be true, but one is an opinion and one is a fact." Ms. Jensen told the class.

It honestly was kind of was annoying for Katie. Samuel Holt this and Samuel Holt that. Sometimes Katie thought that if Ms. Jensen had a choice, she wouldn't be teaching English. She would be teaching a class just about her father. Sadly, that class didn't exist, so Katie and every other student who had her, had to deal with half the class being about the "Amazing Astronaut" Samuel Holt.

Now, it may be annoying, but there were some perks, well for Katie at least. No matter how she acted, she was most definitely Ms. Jensen's favorite student, and everyone knew it. She could get away with not doing her homework as long as she did it the next day. She could use the restroom however many times she wanted. She could fall asleep in class, and Ms. Jensen wouldn't wake her. She also got to choose her partner for any and all projects, when most student's were assigned. And she could be late for class, using the excuse, "The bus was late."

Katie knew that it was wrong to take advantage of her teacher like this, but she couldn't help it.

Now, Matt had her in the last class of the day, but he didn't nearly take advantage of her as much as Katie did. See between the two, it was obvious Matt was the angel of two of them.


Ever since that time Katie spent with Shiro, she's slowly been okay with him. Now, would she saw she had a crush on him? Not in a million years. She had her eye on someone else. But honestly, she probably didn't hate him anymore.

Now, she would never admit this out loud, especially around Matt, and she still acted like she hated him, but on the inside, her heart was changed.

It was after dinner, as Katie walked to her room. She had English homework to do, but she decided she didn't want to do it right now. She had recently finished her laest project, so she really didn't have anything to work on recently. She than saw her journal on her desk. She grabbed it and a pen as she decided to write.

January 26th, 2032

Dear Diary,

She thought about it for a minute. What should she write about? Honest today was a boring day. Nothing much happened. Well, Takashi started school today after winter break.

Takashi started to school today after spending time with his family for winter break.

She looked at it, and then started to erase it. Like that was any important. She erased the sentence, but stopped before erasing the name, "Takashi".

When she would look at that name maybe a year ago, she would be filled with disgust or anger, sometimes both. But now, she didn't feel that way. She realized that maybe, he wasn't so bad. Maybe he actually could be her friend like he was to Matt. Than she would feel so alone sometimes. Maybe she could actually spend time with them like the one time in the woods. Maybe she could actually have fun like that one time.

She decided to continue off that name.

Takashi used to be the worst person in the world, or so I thought. But maybe, it was just an opinion like Ms. Jensen talked about earlier this year. And maybe, just like she said, facts can't change, but opinions can.

I used to believe it was a fact, but I've realized over this school year, that it was just an opinion and now its changing.

Takashi has his faults, but so do I. I mean, I take advantage of my teacher who's obsessed with my father for goodness sake. That has to be considered a fault somewhere.

I'm just saying, that maybe he isn't as bad as he seems.


Katie was satisfied with that entry, but than after looking over it, she realized that if Matt got a hold of her journal, he would take it the wrong way and never let her live it down. She than immediately tore the entry out as she stuck it in an old fifth grade folder she had. She than stuck the folder high in her closet and then placed her journal on her desk.

Now, Matt wouldn't find it, but she knew where it was, so she could probably tape it back later when she was older. She'd remember, right?


So, I know I said I would probably get an update out during Irma, but it upgraded to a one when it hit and knocked out my power. So yeah, here it is now!

Also, don't get too attached to Katie and Shiro's bonding. Things happen. Like really soon.


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