Chapter Fifteen

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Katie walked back to the house, soaked in water. She was having so much fun, but than it was all ruined because of one fall.

Shiro caught up to her and said, "Did you find it fun, well at least before your fall?"

"Yeah sure." Katie groaned in frustration.

"Oh come on. Just because you slipped into some water doesn't mean it ruined all the fun?!"

"You know what?! I don't care! I hate this stupid forest! I hate the stupid ponds! I hate your stupid game! And I especially hate you!" Katie groaned as she walked a little bit faster. "Okay?!"

Shiro froze. "But... You were enjoying it..."

"I was pretending, because I had to stay with you!" Katie answered in anger, as she started to run towards the house since it wasn't too far anymore.

Shiro rolled his eyes as he took his time walking to the house. "You know," He mutter to himself. "I don't care either! I don't need her, I have my friends at school and I have Matthew! What does she matter?!"


Katie had taken a shower as she changed into dry clothes. Than once she was decent, she walked downstairs to the Kitchen. She was feeling kind of hungry.

Shiro had pulled out the casserole Colleen had made and searved it for them two of them. Katie sat at the opposite side of the table of Shiro as she started to eat.

Silence was left between them.

But since Katie felt that this silence was too uncomfortable for her to bear, she decided to start a little bit of small talk. "Soooo..." She started. "When does the Garrisons start school?"

"In a week," Shiro answered.

"Is their a separate building or area for high schoolers?"

"No," Shiro said. "The middle schoolers are pretty much integrated with the high school and college students."

"Oh, cool...." Katie sighed as she ate.

Silence was left again. Boy, Katie hated silence. She liked sound. The sounds of tools working. The sound of people. The sound of the TV. The sound of cars. Or trains. Or anything. She just hated silence. And that was all she was left with.

She sighed as she took care of her dish. Not only did she not like silence, but she felt very uncomfortable around him for what she said earlier. Honestly, she didn't exactly mean it. She did honestly enjoy the time with him, but she couldn't admit to it. Not after what she said to him.

She walked out of the Kitchen as she plopped onto the couch. She looked upward at the motionless ceiling fan that hunt above he head. It didn't work, nor did anyone care to fix it. It had just stayed like that for years. Katie chuckled as she remember the day it broke.

Katie and Matt were about five years old. They both pretended to be astronauts like their father was. They had boxes over their head with a side cut out for them to see. Katie held the remote to the TV as she pretended it to be a gun blaster.

"We have landed on planet Beans!" Matt exclaimed as he jumped out of the giant box he and his sister were in, pretending it to be a rocket ship.

Katie soon followed. "Watch out! There might be aliens." Katie warned.

"Okay." Matt replied as he walked carefully around the front room, Katie, following his movement.

She than pointed out towards the big white fluffy dog that they had owned. "Look an alien!" She pretended. "What species do you think it is?"

"Marshmallow species. They live here on planet Beans." Matt informed, Marshmallow being the name of their dog.

Marshmallow than started to walk towards the twins. "It's hostile!" Katie exclaimed as she pointed the remote at the dog as she made gun sounds. "Pa-Chu!! Pa-Chu!!"

Matt than grabbed the remote as he said, "I want the blaster!"

"Matt!" She yelled back. "I had it first!" She than grabbed the remote as she tried to pull it away from her brother.

He pulled back, holding onto it tightly, as he said, "You got it last!"

Marshmallow than charged as the twins, knocking the remote up into the ceiling fan, breaking both the remote and the ceiling fan.

"Marshmallow!" Katie exclaimed. Than, the dog started to lick the tiny girls face. "Marshmallow!" She giggled.

"Oh, dear." Matt said as she looked up at the ceiling fan. "What are we going to tell mom?"

Katie could remember it like it was yesterday. Their mother wasn't too pleased, but because they were still pretty young, she didn't get too mad.

But Katie and Matt felt the consequences of their actions every summer when it got really hot.

Than Katie thought about Marshmallow. According to Colleen, Marshmallow was a gift from a friend on hers and Samuel's wedding reception. He was only a puppy then. By the time the twins were born, he was already eleven years old in human years. He was really old and died a year before Katie and Matt had started to go public school in forth grade. She missed him a bunch, but he was twenty years old, way older than dogs his bread ever live.

Katie than heard keys being inserted into the door, and unlock it. She ran to the door as she knew who that was.

As the door opened, her father walked in. She immediately ran into his arms. "Dad!" She greeted him.

Samuel smiled as he hugged his daughter. "Katie!"


Samuel and Katie sat on the couch of the living room as Samuel asked his daughter about her day. She had ranted about how she hated it, as he just listened, and added a few comments in here and there.

Shiro stood quite a distance away as he watched them. Katie seemed so happy around her family, why did she hate him so much? What did he ever do to her?

In a way, he hated to see this. Not because he hated the relationship she had with her father, but because he wanted to at the least a small friendship with her. Everyone said, be patient. Everyone said, she'll open up eventually, but he had been patient for two years already. How much longer would he have to wait? More importantly:

Would it even be worth it?


Look who's back!!


I finally was able to get time to write! Though, I still might only have time for once a week like earlier. I wanted to thank you for being patient. I'm truly sorry for my earlier absence.


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