Chapter Seventeen

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Katie could've woken up many different ways that day, but this one made her smile. Sure you'd think it was be because she could smell warm pancakes being made or because her mother said there was no school that day. But no. It wasn't that at all, or even close for that matter. Katie woke up to her brother screaming in the room next to her.

This not only made her smile, but she was laughing. She couldn't stop laughing. Why? Because she knew exactly why he was screaming.

The screaming stopped as her door was slammed open as her brother exclaimed, "I KNOW YOU DID IT!"

"Did what?" Katie asked as she desperately tried to hold back laughter. She had the most unconvincing smile as she totally gave it away. She totally did it.

"Put plastic cockroaches on my bed!" Matt replied as his face was red with anger.

Katie couldn't hold it any longer. She bursted out laughing as she couldn't stop. See, Matt was terrified of cockroaches. He could deal with creepy crawlies, bugs, and insects. He wasn't even afraid of spiders. But he drew the line at cockroaches. Why? Well, it was because of fifth grade. He was playing with his friends in the playground when one of them found a cockroach. Each examined it as one of his friends mentioned you could eat a cockroach as he dared Matt to eat it. Matt was no wimp and decided to place it in his mouth whole. The cockroach than started to crawl down his his throat as Matt started to choke on it. He couldn't get in out as a teacher had to preform the Heimlich Maneuver on him to get it out. It came out, but everyone constantly teased him for it then after.

Katie, the other day, had found plastic cockroaches on the floor of the school and immediately knew what to do. The night before, she had place them on his bed so when he woke up, he would see them.

"I told you," She said between laughing fits. "To not call me KatiKat." Matt huffed as he left the room in frustration.

Totally worth it.


Matt had been avoiding her all morning, and it was obvious why, so Katie just shrugged it off. Well, that's one day to start your week.

Once they reached school, Katie headed off to her first class, English. She never enjoyed the class, but the teacher was okay, mainly because she could get away with a lot of things.

She sat down at her desk as she looked up at the board. Written in big letters so everyone could see was, "Persuasive Writing". Katie knew what this ment. They already went though Informative and Narrative Writing. Today they were going to learn about the basics of this style of writing, and be assigned partners where they will write an essay that will be due in a couple of weeks, and in between today and the dead line, they would be reading and analyzing other writing. Honestly, Katie hated when they had to do this, but they happened once every nine weeks, so it was inevitable.

Katie sighed as she pulled out her supplies for English, but then she notice she forgot her pencil box at home. She double checked her backpack as she could guarantee she didn't have it. She turned to her left as Rapunzel sat down. She knew she always brought extra pencils. "Hey," Katie spoke. "Do you think I could borrow a pencil? I forgot mine at home."

"Sure." She smiled as she pulled a pencil out of her bag. She than handed over to Katie. "Here you go! Just return it when you're done."

"Thanks." Katie replied as looked back at the white board and sighed.


Once the morning and announcement and morning exercises were done, Ms. Jensen explained what a persuasive essay was how to write one. Just the basics though. There was ten minutes left in class when she started to announce to who was assigned to work with who. It didn't take too long before she said, "Katie Holt and Brandon May."

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