Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Hailey sighed as she walked through the hospital, heading the room of the presumed Katie Holt. She found the door, room 225, Hannah Doe. She opened the door to see two or three nurses and a doctor near by the little girl.

Katie was crying and freaking out as they were trying to calm down to lower her heart rate for it was dangerously increasing.

"Hannah, please." A nurse said assuringly.

"I told you!" Katie exclaimed through sobs. "I want to leave! I don't want to be here! I want my family! And my name isn't Hannah!"

Hailey walked in as she said, "Back up!" The doctor and nurses looked at her funny. Hailey knew she was probably stepping her ground to much. "I have a degree in therapy, maybe I can be of assistance." She stated more calmly.

The doctor sighed. "Fine. I have someone else to work with. Her vitals are fine." She then left as she walked out. Apparently, Katie was a tough patient.

"Let go off me!" Katie exclaimed with tears to the nurse that was holding her hand. With the amount of strangers, Katie was scared and didn't know how to act.

Hailey looked at the nurse as she politely asked, "Please give me some space."

The nurse nodded as they backed up with the other two. Katie looked at Hailey furious as her face was red with anger and tears. This was all just too much for her, especially after waking up from a coma.

Hailey slowly walked to her as she said, "Katie... It's okay..."

Just by those simple words, Katie started to calm down. Every was calling her Hannah, but Hailey didn't. She called her Katie. Katie whiped her eyes as she said, "Do you know me?"

"Not personally, no." Hailey replied. "But I believe you."

"She's delirious!" A nurse exclaimed. "She just woke up. She doesn't know what she's saying."

Hailey glared at the nurse before looking back at Katie gently. "I'm not crazy." Katie soft replied. "Please believe me..."

"I believe you." Hailey replied.

"Can you find my parents?" Katie asked with tears. "I don't know who they are, but I'm sure if I see them I'll remember. The angel told me I had parents."

"The angel?" Hailey asked.

Katie nodded. "Yeah, the angel. Everything was dark, but then this angel found me and brought me to the spirit realm, she said I could stay there or go back to Earth. And she told me I had a family, and that if I went back to Earth, I would get to meet them again and that I'll be able to remember them again..." Katie told her.

"So what do you know?" Hailey asked. She couldn't necessarily call the Holts off a whim. She had to have reason or evidence.

"Well, I remember this memory, where there was this man and I ran to him, and he called me Katie and I called him dad..." Katie told. She then pointed to the first nurse as she said, "And that nurse found a picture of him, but the others won't believe me..."

Hailey looked at the nurse as the nurse added, "She claims Samuel Holt is her father. She recognized his picture."

Hailey looked back at Katie. "I'll get your family. Hopefully, soon. Just give me a second to call them."

Katie's eyes lit up. "Really?"

Hailey nodded with a smile. "Until they come, please listen to the nurses. They are only trying to do their best to help you. Okay?"

"Okay..." Katie nodded.

"May I talk to you?" One nurse asked as she looked at Hailey. She had short dark brown hair and tanish skin.

"Yes." Hailey nodded as the nurse lead her to the hallway. Hailey followed willingly.

Once out in the hallway, the nurse looked at her sternly. "What in the world are you think you're doing to my patient?!"

"Why don't you believe her?" Hailey contered.

"That doesn't matter! You just came willy nilly and think you can do what ever you want to?! It doesn't work that way!" She deflected.

Hailey pulled out her badge as she said completely serious, "I'm Agent Roberts and work for the Albano Police Station. I am not over stepping my boundries and doing every legal. I have been on the Katie Holt case for a long time and no other person matched up with Katie Holt more clearer than she does. The only thing was the name. And doesn't it occor to you that she might have been falsely identified? If it makes you happy, I will call the Holts. If they recognize her, she's Katie Holt. If they don't, she's delirious. Okay?" She asked.

The nurse sighed. "Fine." As she started to walk back to the room.

"Also," Hailey spoke up. The nurse looked at her. "Call her Katie from now on. She won't freak out and she'll be able keep her heart rate down."

The nurse walked back to the room and closed the door. Hailey sighed. "Idiots." She muttered. She pulled out her phone as she typed in the Holts number.

She smiled as she thought, man, this will be a surprise of a life time. She pressed the call button as she held it to her ear. Without much of a wait, it was answered. "Hello? Is this Colleen Holt?" She asked.

"Yes, this is she." She heard the voice of the woman she recongized. She smiled, ready to tell the happy news.

"This the investigate from many month ago who was on search for your daughter, and we think we found her." She told.

"You found Katie's body?" She heard her asked as she sounded depressed as she said so. Of course she was like this, Katie was probably still a touchy topic.

"Well, yeah, except we think we found her alive." She replied.

"What?! You're not serious, are you?" She heard Colleen ask with joy restored in her voice. Hailey smiled as she heard that.

"I'm completely serious. We found a girl who has woken up from a five month coma who is claiming to be your daughter. Her information matches up with Katie, but she may be delirous. We need you to come to the Pines City Children's Hospital to verify whether she's your child or not." Hailey explained as she tried her best to hide her excitement for it was "unprofessional" as Timothy would aways say.

"I'm heading there now." Colleen quickly replied as she ended the call.

Hailey smiled. She was so excited. She found the Katie Holt even when everyone else said all was lost.


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