Chapter Fourteen

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"Wait! Where are you going?!" Katie exclaimed as Shiro had started to walk away from the front room.

"Outside." He answered simply.

"Look who's breaking the rules this time." Katie smirked.

"Ah, but your mother never said anything about not going outside. And plus, as long as I can see you, she is fine. Am I wrong?" Shiro posed.

Katie let out a sigh of laughter. "So just because you don't break the rules, doesn't mean you don't look for loop holes."

"There you go." Shiro smirked. "Now come on, let's go." He motioned.


"I thought we were just going to do something outside! You never said anything about going into the forest!" Katie exclaimed.

"Oh come on! It's fun!" Shiro begged.

"How do you know I'll like it?" Katie said as she folded her arms. "Hmm?"

"You won't know unless you try!" Shiro begged. "Now please!"

"No!" She refused.

"I'll tell Matt I beat you eight times in a row." Shiro smirked.

"I hate you." She glared as she reluctantly followed him.

Shiro, upon entering the forest, picked up two long sticks. He than handed one to Katie. She looked at it than asked in an annoyed tone, "What's this for?! Are we going to duel?! If so, that is so unfair."

"No." Shiro laughed. "We are going to defend ourselves from the enemy."

"What enemy? Squirrels? I don't think they pose much of a threat." Katie scoffed.

"No!" Shiro sighed. "You have to use your imagination. But first, lets go deeper into the forest. I want to give us plenty of room."

"Don't go too far! What if we get lost before my dad comes home?" Katie questioned.

"Don't worry. I know this place like the back of my hand! We won't get lost." Shiro reassured her.

"Okay, so it will be your fault. Got it." Katie muttered.

"We're not going to get lost!"


They had gotten pretty far into the forest when Shiro said, "Okay, this seems like a good spot!"

"I don't see any enemy." Katie sighed.

Shiro rolled his eyes as he said, "I want you to imagine--"

"Oh great! That will be so much fun." Katie sarcastically sighed.

"Let me finish!" Shiro snapped. "Now, I want you to imagine we're on a volcanic island. The sky is a dark red. Most of the light you see are from the lava patches on the ground or the lava filled cracks. We have swords in our hands, and we use these to protect ourselves."

"This sounds stupid."

"Close you eyes than listen!"

"Fine." Katie did so.

"Anyway, there is this alien who invaded the Earth and they are going to attack us! They're all around us, ready to attack!"

Katie opened her eyes as she imagined what Shiro described. And it became real to her.

There were hundred of these aliens. They looked similar to humans, except they had an orangish tint to their skin, their ears were pointed, and their eyes were a deadly red.

Katie grinned as she imagined her stick as a sliver sword, and her normal attire as strong armor.

"Ready?" Shiro called.

Katie grinned. "Ready."

Immediately, these aliens started to charge at them, but one by one, Katie and Shiro defended them off.

This seemed so real to Katie, she got way too into it. After fighting all of the aliens, Katie hid behind a large tree, which she pretended was a rock. Shiro followed.

"Be careful." She said. "Their strongest warrior has been send out to kill us."

"Yes," Shiro affirmed. "And he is the most dangerous of all, for he has telepathy."

"We have to watch out for oncoming rocks if he spots us." Katie said.

"Ready to go out?" Shiro asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Katie smiled.

They both headed out as they pretended their warrior was out of their sight. "Where is he?" Katie asked.

"I don't know." Shiro replied. "Let's look farther." As they continued to look around, Shiro point at a smallish tree and pretended that was the warrior. "There he is!"

Katie than turned around as she imagined a giant bolder heading their way. She than shouted, "Takashi! Look out!" as she pushed him out of the way.

They both fell to the ground as they stood up pretending they just barely missed their almost death.

Shiro than held out his hand to Katie and said, "Do you trust me?"

Katie took his hand as he picked her up and tossed her towards the warrior as she took her sword and epically stabbed it into the tree. Which it did slightly.

"The beast has been defeated!" Katie shouted as she held her hands in the air with joy, a smile plastered on her face. She hadn't had this much fun is so long.

Shiro walked up to her, slightly out of breath, and said, "Indeed. It has." He than held out his hand for Katie to high five it. In which, she did.

Katie laughed, but than had slipped and fell into a small pond behind her. Luckily, the deepest it got was to her shoulder, so she was able to stand up, but she was completely soaked. Her smile fell.

"You okay, Katie?" Shiro asked.

Katie groaned as she walked out of the pond and said, "Yeah, I'm fine." But she didn't seem any happy anymore.

She than started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Shiro asked.

"I'm going to go home so I can get changed before my dad comes home."


Look at me! I'm finally getting time to write again! But you know, this was kind of fun to write, so yeah...

The whole book won't be super fluffy and fun.

In fact, it might get really depressing give it about five or six chapters.


(Not really.)


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