Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Matt didn't speak to anyone on the way home, and when the bus reached his house, he immediately headed off as he sped walked to his house. He was still hurting very much inside. He opened the door as he saw his mother. "Hey mom?" He asked. "Do you know where Gunther is?"

She looked at him. She always knew that when he was having a hard day he'd immediately ask for Gunther. It was his way of calming down. "What happened?" She asked a little worried.

"I don't want to talk about it right now." He answered as he looked down.

"Gunther is in the front room last I checked." Colleen answered as she headed back to the kitchen where Shiro and Sam were.

Matt headed off to find Gunther.

Colleen was making dinner, while Sam was paying bill and Shiro... He just finished the semester and was bored and decided to bug Sam. Colleen spoke up. "Matt had a rough time at school today."

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"He won't tell. He just wanted to see Gunther. Could you talk to him later?" She asked.

Before he could reply, Matt ran into the room with Colleen's phone that was ringing. "Mom!" He exclaimed as he held it up to her.

She nodded as she grabbed the phone and answered. There was a pause before she said. "Yes, this is she." She answered. There was a pause again before she replied, "You found Katie's body?" She looked down and depressed. Everyone just kind of froze when she said that. But then her eyes widened. "What?! You're not serious, are you?" She asked.

Matt turned around and looked at her. What could she be talking about? She gasped as she covered her mouth. Tears started to fall down her face. Though, they kind of looked like tears of... joy? What did they tell her? "I'm heading there now." She quickly ended the call as she took the food off the stove and stopped cooking.

"What happened?" Sam asked curious.

She looked at him with a smile as she said, "Our baby girl is alive."

Matt gasped. "Katie is alive!?"

"Or at least a girl in the Pines City Children's hospital claims to be Katie." She said. "She looks like Katie, but she just woke up from a five month coma and could be just confused and someone else. They want us to check." She smiled.

"Let's go then!" Matt's eye were wide with hope.


All four quickly headed to the hospital. Matt knew there was a chance this could not be Katie, but it didn't matter. He was so excited. His sister that he had thought was dead for five months just might be alive.

They arrived at the hospital and Matt wanted to sprint down the hall, but Colleen kept holding him back. Finally after what Matt thought was forever, they reached her room. He looked at the door. "Hannah Doe..." Matt read it aloud. "If she was unidentified wouldn't it be Jane Doe?"

Colleen shrugged. "Maybe they work differently here."

Matt nodded as he grabbed the door handle and slowly opened it. He peaked inside as he saw a nurse talking to someone in the bed. By the angle, he couldn't see them. "Hello?" He asked as he slowly walked in.

The person looked at him as now he was at an angle to see them. Without a shadow of a doubt, that was Katie. He gasped as he ran up to her giving her a hug. "I'm so sorry..." He muttered as he hugged her tightly. Tears of joy rolled down his face. He was so happy, he started shaking.

"...Matt?" Katie spoke up. He looked up at her with teary eyes. "Why are you crying?" She asked.

Sam and Collen gasped. "Oh Katie..." Collen muttered. She was about to cry herself.

Katie looked up at them. "Mom... Dad..."

"You're safe..." Her father muttered.

That's when Shiro walked in hesitantly, and weakly wave at her with a slight smile on his face. "Hello." She tilted her head in confusion.

"Do I know you?"



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