Avery never had it easy. Before her dad left 6 months ago, her life had been a wreck. After his disappearance, she's been trying to find a way to mend the pieces that were taken along with her dad. Will she find herself again or will she need some h...
I wake up and the bed is empty beside me. I sit up, looking around to see if Adams anywhere in the room.
"Adam?" I call, standing up from the bed but immediately sit back down, feeling the pressure of a headache build behind my eyes.
"Shit," I murmur under my breath.
I slowly walk over to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I look like crap. I close and lock the door, deciding to take a shower.
I take off my clothes and slowly enter the shower, letting the water wash over my body.
My mind goes back to last night. Adam. The nightmare.
"Fuck," i say under my breath. What did I do. He's gonna want to know. Everyone always does. I close my eyes and try to relax.
I hear a buzzing and open my eyes, quickly jumping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around me.
I run out out of the bathroom and look to see Adams phone, he must have left it here.
I pick it up and see who's calling. It's his mother. I slowly set it back down, disappointed that it wasn't my mother who was calling.
Just then I here the sound of the key being put into the door. I quickly run into the bathroom, closing the door.
"Avery?" Adams says. "Yeah," I say, putting on my clothes. "I'll be out in a second," I say.
Once I'm done getting dressed I open the door and walk out.
I look to see Adam with a scared look on his face.
"Adam?" I question stepping towards him. "What's going on?" I ask, starting to get scared.
"Your mom," he starts, barely over a whisper. "My mum saw that man walk into your house. She said that she heard screaming and said she called the cops." He says, starting to scare me more.
"No," I say starting to shake my head as I back up against the wall. "No. No don't say anything. I don't want to here it." I say as my breathing starts to become faster.
He walks towards me but I put my hand up, signaling for him to stop.
I slide down the wall and hold my head in my hands. How could I let this happen? Why does my life have to be ruined?
I start to cry, worried to hear what he has to say.
"Avery," he starts to say again.
"NO!" I yell, begging for this all to end.
"Avery listen to me," he try's to come closer to me but all I do is scream. "NO THIS CANT HAPPEN. WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME!!" I yell, right before Adam crashes into me, holding me to try and soothe me.
"Hey hey hey, listen to me. Your mom isn't dead. She was taken to the hospital, alright? She's gonna be fine." He says, hoping it would stop me from breaking down.
I start to feel my chest tighten, like it used to do when this all started. I start to panic more, scared of Adam seeing me when this happens.
"Avery? Avery hey look at me. Avery eyes up here. Sweetheart breathe." He says. Turning my head to look at him.
But it's already happening.
I'm having a panic attack.
I start to breathe heavier as my chest constricts and my lungs stop working. I start to see my spots in my vision when Adam starts to sing in my ear.
I concentrate on the words and his voice.
My breathing starts to even out but it's still a little uneven.
"Are you okay?" He asks as he looks at me, trying to see right through me.
"No," I say, "I'm not ok." I look straight passed him to the wall. I just sit there and stare.
This won't be the last thing he does to try and get to me. It will never end.
Adam picks me up, setting me on his lap as he sits on the bed, my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck with my face buried there.
He continues to sing as I start to fall asleep. After a while I feel my self being placed in the cold car and hear the door close.
I keep my eyes closed as he places his jacket over me and starts the car.
"Thank you," I whisper, so quiet I didn't think he could hear it.
"Anything for you sweetheart," he says as he drives off, back to where I have to face the world.
Sooo her moms ok, but I don't think Avery will ever be.
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