XX. Slowly falling apart.

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I wake up with a jolt. My breathing is heavier than it should be. Adam is sitting on the couch asleep.

I get up and go to the kitchen in search for the medicine. I see the bag on the table and rip it open.

I can't have a panic attack, not in front of Adam. They get bad.

As I reach inside the bag for the inhaler, I hear footsteps.

My hands shake even more as I fall to the ground, bringing the bag with me. The pills scatter on the floor as I shake on the ground.

Adams in front of me within seconds. "Sweetheart!? What do you need? How can I help love, please." He asks.

I can't answer. I shake in his arms as his eyes scan the floor. I start to feel like I'm suffocating. I gasp for air, clawing at my throat.

"Hold on sweetheart," Adam says in a panic as he holds my arms away from my throat, reaching for the inhaler. He puts it up to my mouth as he sits me up, holding me by the arms. I fumble with it as I grab it from his hands, inhaling the fumes. As it sinks into my body, I slump against Adam in a sobbing mess.

"It's ok love, your ok," he says in a shaky voice as we sit on the floor.

I hear rain pounding on the windows as me and Adam lay in each other's arms.

"Are you ok sweetheart?," Adam asks in a whisper. I nod my head and bury my head in his neck.

He holds my head against him as he picks me up and carries me back to the couch. Adam sits down and pulls me into his lap, afraid to let me go.

"I'm so sorry," I say once I gain the strength to speak.

"You don't have to be sorry love," he says as he runs his hands up and down my back.

I start to shiver from the cold temperature in the house. I reach my hands around Adams neck and put them in the top of his shirt, putting them against his warm back. He jumps from the contact, but didn't pull me away. "Sorry," I say as my teeth chatter.

He grabs the blanket and pulls it around us.

I lift my head up and look into his eyes. He stares back into mine, with a look of pure love in his eyes. I move my hands from his back to his neck.

He brings his hands up and cups my face. "Adam," I whisper as I look down at his lips. I watch as his tongue swipes across his bottom lip.

I look back into his eyes, watching his eyes close as he breaths in. "What are you doing to me," he says as he opens his eyes again.

He brings his head down and I feel his lips, barely touching mine. "Is this ok," he says as he breaths heavy. Before I give him an answer, I close the space between us.

His lips don't move at first, and then they're in sync with mine. I feel him pull me closer to him as his tongue touches my lip, asking for entrance.

I bite down on his lip, making him produce a low moan.

I open my mouth, allowing him to slide his tongue onto mine. As we fight for dominance, he finally wins.

I pull away, out of breath. I close my eyes, feeling a warm sensation go through my body. I feel tingles everywhere. I feel his hands move down my back.

I open my eyes in panic. "Stop," I say, out of breath, as his hands started to make there way into my shirt. Images of my dad crawl into my mind.

I jump off of him in a rush and trip on my feet, falling to the ground. I sit there, stunned. What just happened to me.

I have to get away from here. Before my mind knows what I'm doing, my legs carry me out of the door into the pouring rain. Thunder strikes as I run down the pavement of my driveway.

"Avery, where are you going!?" I hear Adam say as he runs after me. I run faster, determined to get away from here, away from this house.

As I'm about to turn the corner, someone grabs me, causing me to stop. The thing is, it isn't Adam.

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