XXXVIII. A shoulder to lean on.

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I'm running. I feel the branches smack my face and the wind numb my skin.

He found me.

I hear him breathing heavily behind me, his footsteps getting closer. I try to run faster. It happens so fast.

I trip, falling face first in he dirt. I look back and see what I tripped on, and scream.

"ADAM!!" I sob and rush towards his cold body. "Adam, baby please. Please, please, please," I beg. I try to shake him awake.

"You can't hide from me Avery," I hear my father and look up to see him looking down at me.

I scream and feel my self being put into someones lap. "Shhh sweetheart, you're ok," I hear Adam coo in my ear.

I sob, feeling my body tremble against his. I feel my lungs begin to close as the sobs wrack my body.

"I..I...I," I try to speak, but my throat constricts, causing me to cough through my tears. I

feel Adam rush off the bed, my arms flailing toward him. "I'll be right back love, I promise you," he says as I hear his footsteps run down the stairs.

I cry harder without him here. I don't know when he came back or where he went but I don't care, I need him.

My vision starts to blur and I pull my knees to my chest and sob as I feel my heart beating erratically and my lungs constrict against my cries.

I feel Adams hands on my face as he looks into my eyes. "I'm right here love," Adam says as he holds out my anxiety pills and my inhaler. My hands shake uncontrollably ad I try to reach out for the pills.

"Here," he says as he instructs me to open my mouth. I obey and feel the pills on my tongue and the water as it pushes them down my throat. It's not working. I don't know what's happening but I'm scared to death.

I whimper and sob even harder if that's possible. I feel Adam as he raises the inhaler to my mouth and try's to spray it, but all I hear are empty puffs.

"Fuck," he yells as he throws the inhaler across the room. He scoops me up and holds me against his chest as he moves the hair from my face.

"Breathe love. I need you to breathe for me," he says and I hear how scared he is from the shaking in his voice and how his body trembles beneath mine. I try to breath and it only causes me to cough even more.

"I don't know what to do love. I need you to tell me what to do," I hear Adam plead as he looks into my eyes.

I grab my phone and see that jakes number is in it. I press call and hand it to Adam. "Hello?" I hear Jakes groggy voice through the phone.

"Fuck, Jake I need you. I need you man," Adam rushes out as he rocks me back in forth. "Woah man calm down. Is everything ok?" Jake asks, suddenly wide awake and I hear rustling in the background.

"Avery?" I hear Jake call out and I continue to sob, not being able to control my body anymore. "What's going on Adam? What do you need me to do?" Jake asks as I hear a door open.

"I don't know. Fuck man I don't know. Avery must have had a damn nightmare. I gave her her pills and they didn't work. Fuck. Her inhaler is out and I can't leave her like this man and I'm not taking her to another damn hospital, she would not want to stay in the hospital," Adam says and I hear him sniffle.

I bury myself deeper into his chest and feel the tears continue to fall down my cheeks. "Where do I need to go to get her inhaler?" Jake asks as he starts his car. "Umm... probably the pharmacy, man fuck I don't know. I'm freaking out here," Adam says and he continues to rock our bodies.

"Adam, listen to me. You need to get your shit together. Your girl needs you and I need your help so we can do this together. Now stop wasting fucking time and tell where I'm going," Jake yells as his car speeds down the road. "There's a Walgreens that's open 24/7 right around the corner from my house. Just go in and say that Avery Struman needs her inhaler refilled asap. They shouldn't ask questions but Jake I need you to hurry. I don't know how much longer she's going to last," he rushes out as he lays me down and my body tightens and continues to tremble.

I feel my body convulse and my eyes roll to the back of my head. I feel my body shake on the bed and hear Adam shouting at Jake. "Fuck, hurry the fuck up or I swear to fucking god. If she dies because of me I will never forgive myself. I can't lose her Jake and I don't know what I'll do without her. Please for the love of god," Adam says as he begins to cry.

"I'm going as fast as I can Adam. I'm almost there and I promise you I will do everything I can to help you keep her safe, I owe you that much," Jake says as I hear him running out of his car.

"I need Avery Strumans inhaler refilled asap!!! This is an emergency and I swear to god I will sue your asses if she dies now hurry the hell up!!" Jake yells as I here people scrambling in the distance. "Here you go sir," I hear a lady say and hear Jake running.

"Fuck man. I'm running as fast as I can," Jake says as I hear his shoes pound on the concrete. I hear the front door slam open and footsteps pound on the stairs. Adam is still by my side and my body's starting to give out.

"Oh my god," I hear Jake say as he rushes towards Adam. "I got here as fast as I could," Jake says as I hear Adam move from beside me.

I try to reach my hand out to grab him but it won't move. I feel the inhaler touch my lips and I breathe in the fumes as I feel my body relax against the bed. I start to cough as the air fills my lungs.

I start to sob again as Adam pulls me towards him and holds me to him. "Oh my god sweetheart. Oh my god, your ok," he says as I feel his tears soak my shirt.

I sob into his chest and hold onto him for life. "I...I," I try to speak through my tears. "Shh, love. It's going to be ok," Adam says as he pulls my face away from his chest. I look into his eyes and see how scared he is.

"I was so scared," I whisper as I remember the events that happened just minutes before.

"I'm just gonna go," Jake says awkwardly but before he could leave, I run towards him and fall into him as I hug him tightly. I feel my knees give out as he lowers me to the ground.

He pulls me into him and I hold onto him. "Thank you so much," I cry as he lifts me and sets me on the bed.

"I would do anything for you. You know that," he whispers into my ear as he kisses my cheek and gives me a smile.

"You need some rest. I'll come by tomorrow, ok?" He says as he looks into my eyes. I nod my head and hug him one more time before Adam pulls me back towards him and Jake walks out the door.

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