IX. Pain is real... but so is hope.

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I wake up to a bright light. I squint my eyes, trying to stop this terrible headache.

I feel a weight on my hand as I start to gain my senses. I look down, noticing a head of black hair laying against the bed.

I try to sit up, but the machines start to beep and I feel something in my throat, which cause me to start choking.

Adam sits up immediately, calling for a nurse as he try's to tell me to calm down.

I don't know what's going on. Where am I?

I'm scared. I want to go home.

I try to talk but all I can do is choke on whatever's in my mouth.

"Help! She's awake someone help her!" Adams yells as he runs to the door. I reach for his hand, but he's out the door.

I start to struggle, trying to get up, trying to get to Adam.

He runs back in, this time with a doctor.

He sees me struggling, sees the fear in my eyes and runs to me, holding onto my hand for dear life.

"Sweetheart. Your ok. Your gonna be ok, but I need you to calm down for me ok? Can you do that?" He says, looking into my eyes.

I shake my head and start to choke again.

He leans down towards me, and starts to sing into my ear.

I close my eyes, trying to calm down. I feel myself relax and the doctor asks Adam to leave.

My eyes open immediately and I start to get scared again. "No. I can't leave her. She's scared out of her mind, please just let me stay with her." Adam pleads.

The doctor looks at me and shakes his head. He starts to look over the machines and calls in a nurse.

"Avery, my names Dr. White and you're going to be just fine, alright?" He says looking at me.

I nod my head and try to shakily point at my mouth. "When she woke up she started choking. Can we take the tube out?" Adam asks.

I look at him confused. Tube? What happened to me?

The doctor calls in a nurse and tells me that they're gonna take out the tube.

I squeeze Adams hand as they start to remove the tube. As they are pulling it out it starts to get hard to breathe.

The machines start to beep again and I can hear Adam freaking out. "Sir she's going to be fine, it will only be a second Avery and then you'll be able to breath again. Just hold on a little longer." The doctor says.

And like he said, I start to feel air fill my lungs. I take in a huge breath and close my eyes.

They put an oxygen mask on me and leave.

Adam sat back down and looked at me, as I saw a tear fall from his eye. "A..a.aa..," I try to speak, but it hurts to talk.

"Shhh sweetheart. I know. I'm ok, I'm just glad your alive." He says, taking my hand and kissing the back of it.

I lift my hand from his and wipe his tear.

He walks over to the end of the bed and gets me a cup of water. "Here. Drink this it might help your throat." He says, helping me up slowly so I can't drink the water.

I take small sips so I can get used to it. I feel the cool water soothe my sore throat.

He puts the cup down and sits in the chair, looking at me. I stare at him with a questioning look.

"I'm so glad your ok," he whispers. I shake my head and lay back down.

I wish I could talk to him, so that I could say all I wanted to say.

Me and Adam just sit there staring at each other until I start to feel tired.

I scoot over in the bed and pat the space beside me, motioning for Adam to lay with me. He gets off the chair and lays down, pulling me towards him gently.

As I lay down on his chest, drifting off to sleep, I hear a quiet, "I think I'm falling in love with you Avery Struman."


#Avam for the win! Maybe? Idk how I feel about that ship name.
Any suggestions?

Any suggestions?

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