Avery never had it easy. Before her dad left 6 months ago, her life had been a wreck. After his disappearance, she's been trying to find a way to mend the pieces that were taken along with her dad. Will she find herself again or will she need some h...
"Get in," my father shouts at me as my feet stay frozen in place. Adam stops walking, keeping a close eye on my father.
"Do I need to say it again you bitch get in the damn car!" He yells making me pull open the car and climb in, slamming the door behind me.
I feel the barrel of the gun on my head as I turn to look at Adam, seeing pure fear and anger in his eyes.
"Well, who do we have here?" My father laughs, as he hits me in the head with the gun.
"You thought you could hide from me! You stupid girl!" He yells, making me shake even more.
I turn to look at Adam, but he's nowhere in sight. I start to get scared, scared that Adam left me so he didn't have to put his life in danger for a stupid girl like me.
But I see him, out of the corner of my eye, putting a finger over his lips as he slowly pulls his phone out and puts it up to his ear.
My father is yelling at me, but I can't hear what he's saying.
He hit me in the head again and it only made it worse. "Are..listening...me?!" He says, but I'm starting to see spots.
I try to look at Adam, but I'm seeing two of everything.
I start to feel my chest tighten, and i start to shake, as if there was an earthquake going on in my body.
I soon start to hear a voice. A voice I know all too well.
"Sir," I hear Adam say. "I don't know what's going on, but I want you to let her go so she can get some help." He says with worry lacing his voice.
"What should I do for her?" My father spits, "she's an ungrateful bitch!" My father yells as the barrel of the gun is pushed harder against my head.
"Look at her," Adams says, motioning towards me. "LOOK AT HER. DO YOU WANT TO KILL YOUR DAUGHTER!" He screams, making me lose it.
I start sobbing as I lose control of my body. My heart is banging against my chest too hard. It hurts and the pain is unbearable.
I feel my eyes roll to the back of my head. Before I lose consciousness, I hear yelling and gunshots before everything goes black.
The one thing on my mind, is Adam.
What is wrong with me and my life!!! This is getting crazy and I can't be saved.
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