XIX. The calm in a storm.

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After Adam helped me get dressed, the nurse came in with a wheelchair to wheel me out.

"This is it," she says as I sit down. "It really is," I say, feeling a little sad to leave this room.

Adam takes the chair and we begin walking to the door. "Oh, here are some medications you need to take until you get fully recovered," she says, handing me a bag. She leans down and whispers in my ear " there's some anxiety pills and an inhaler in there just in case," she says and I smile at her, thanking her.

As we make it to the doors, I hear the nurse call out," he's a keeper Avery!" Which causes me to laugh.

Adam helps me out of the wheelchair and helps me walk to the car. "Where's you car?" I ask him as we make our way to his moms car. "Umm... it's in the shop," he says as he opens the door for me to get in.

"Thanks," I say as he closes the door. "Hey, do you mind staying with me tonight? You don't have to sleep over, I just don't want to be alone," I say as he enters the car. "I would love to sweetheart," he says as he pulls out of the hospital, driving to my house.

My moms not here because she's out of town for a few months. She needed a break so she went down to Florida to visit family. Know ones been home since what happened.

As we pull up to the house I hesitate, scared to go inside. Adam takes my hand and gets the key from under the mat. As he opens the door, I gasp at the sight in front of me.

There's glass everywhere, along with blood. I get dizzy, feeling like I might faint. "Oh my god," I say as I turn into Adams chest. "Why don't you go upstairs and rest while I clean this up," he says, as he strides into the house and walks over the glass.

I slowly walk in, and make my way up the stairs. I make it to my room and open the door. The sight in front of me makes me scream.

My room is tore apart. Everything has been knocked over and broken.

I fall to my knees, feeling myself fall apart.

He did this. He did this and it's all my fault.

I hear Adam as he runs up the stairs. He looks at my room only for a second and picks me up. I'm in shock, I feel numb.

He takes me down stairs and lays me on the couch, putting a blanket on me. "Just don't look, ok?" He says as he kneels in front of me, catching my eyes. I nod my head and he stands up. I keep my eyes strained on the blank tv.

Who would have known that coming home would lead to this.

After 10 minutes Adams finished cleaning up the mess downstairs and is sitting on the couch.

He puts my head in his lap as he begins to sing a song. A song that reminds me of when I was younger and things weren't so hard. As he sings, I start to fall asleep. Thinking about when I had a family.

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