VII. With fear comes reality.

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I'm terrified. I don't want to have to see my dad ever again. He put me through hell.

As Adam stops the car in front of the hospital my mom is in, I start to get really nervous.

"I don't think I can do this," I say as I look at the doors of the hospital, opening and closing as each person walks through.

"I'll be right here if you need me," he said as he turns off the car and opens his door, walking around to help me out.

My legs shake as I walk towards the doors. I take a deep breath and continue, walking through the doors of the hospital.

The smell of the sterile hospital makes me want to run back outside.

Adam takes my hand and guides me to the front desk.

"We're here to see..." he looks at me, realizing he doesn't know my mothers name. "Nichole Struman," I say to the nurse.

"She's in room 132. Just down that hall," she points to my right. "Thank you," I say as I start to walk to her room.

"I'll stay out her," he says when we stop outside the door. "Ok," I say, not making any type of move to open the door.

"Go on Avery," he says looking at me, then the door. I slowly put my hand on the handle and push.

When I look into the room, to see the woman that I love so much on the hospital bed, i ran towards her and hugged her, never wanting to let go.

"Mama," I say starting to cry in her arms. "Oh Avery," she says, holding on to me. "I was so scared mama," I say as the tears keep falling. "I'm ok honey, I'm ok," she says, rubbing my back.

We stay like that until a nurse comes in, telling me that I have to leave due to the visiting hours being over. I look at my mom. " I'll be back as soon as I can. I promise." I say as I hug her.

I walk through the door and see Adam sitting on the floor, with his head between his knees as he sleeps. I slowly sit down next to him and lean my head on his shoulder.

The only sign that he is awake is when he leans his on mine.

"Take me home, please," I say as I look at him. "Of course," he says, standing up and extending his hand to help me up.

As we walk out of the hospital, out into the busy street, I start to wonder, where's is my dad?

I freeze, stopping my body from going any further.

I turn, suddenly feeling on edge. "Sweetheart? Whats wrong?" Adam asks as he walks around to stand in front of me.

My eyes are darting to every corner.

"Hey," he touches my shoulder, making me jump back. "Are you alright?" I turn around and go to get into the car.

"Avery wait!" Adams yells.

As I go to open the door of his car, I see my father
sitting in the back of Adams truck, with a gun pointed straight at me.


Wait a minute, WHAT!?!?
This can not be good.

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