XXI. Not everyhings the way it seems.

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  I scream. The person immediately lets me go. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," the person says. "I have to go," I say as I continue to run.

I don't get far before Adams behind me again. "Avery, would you just fucking wait. What happened back there. Talk to me!" He yells as I continue to run.

I stop, tripping over something. "Fuck!" I yell as I feel my ankle throb. I see blood run down the sidewalk as my leg begins to bleed. I try to get back up, when I'm lifted into someone's arms.

"Jesus fucking Christ sweetheart," Adam says as he jogs down the sidewalk back towards my house.

"Please, I don't want to go in there," I say as I try to get out of his arms. "Sweetheart, you need to calm down. This isn't good for you," he says as he wipes some hair out of my face.

"Just please don't take me there," I say as he holds me. "I'll do anything, I mean anything. Whatever you want," is say as I still struggle in his arms. "Please just let me go!" I yell as I begin to scream.

"Sweetheart! Listen to me!" Adam yells making me whimper. He walks towards his house and opens his door. He sets me on his couch and stands up.

"We can stay here until you want to go back to your house, but you need to calm the fuck down," he says as he takes off his shirt and wraps it around his arm.

"Are you ok?" I ask as I sit up. "Yea it's just a scratch," he says as he lifts the shirt back up. I see four scratch marks, like someone scratched him. "Oh my god, Adam I'm so sorry. What the fuck is wrong with me," I say as I go to stand up, forgetting about my ankle.

"Avery!" Adam yells as he runs toward me, catching me before I fall. "We need to get you cleaned up love," he says in a low voice. He picks me up and carries me upstairs, into a bathroom.

"Is it ok if I do this?" He asks as his hands rest at the hem of my shirt. I nod my head and he slowly lifts it up. I suck in a breath as the stitches pull.

"Shit," I hear Adam say as he puts his hand on my stomach. I look down to see blood coming out of the incision.

I lay my head back on the wall and close my eyes. I'm so stupid for running. Adam would never hurt me. The only person who could hurt me more than my dad is myself.

I feel Adam start to unbutton my jeans and I open my eyes, frantically looking around. He stops, putting his hands up and looking at me. "I'm sorry," he says," I should have warned you," he says as he lowers his arms. "It's ok," I say as I look into his eyes.

He starts to carefully pull my jeans down when I cry out in pain. "Wait. Wait my leg," I say as I cry. He picks my leg up and looks at it. It looks really bad.

He rummages through the cabinet until he finds scissors. I back away, scared of what he's going to do.

"Hey, sweetheart. I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just going to cut your jeans so I can get this leg cleaned up," he says, waiting for me to respond. I nod my head and watch him as he brings the scissors to the bottom of my pants and starts to cut. Once he's done I raise my hips so he can pull them off.

"Thank you," I say as I sit in front of Adam, exposed. There's scars on my legs from my father. He used the take scissors just like the ones Adam had and warm then up, burning me with them. I shiver at the thought.

"Are you cold love," Adam says as he pulls me towards him. "Yea," I say as I wrap myself around Adam.

He gets up and turns on the shower. He starts to take off his pants when he feels me staring at him. "Don't worry, I'm not taking these off," he says as he points to his boxers, releasing a chuckle.

I go and grab his arms as he helps me stand. He gets in the shower and helps me in. I feel the hot water on my leg and move quickly, which causes me to slip.

"Woah there, don't want anymore injuries. I think I've seen you hurt enough," he says as he pulls me away from the water so my legs not under.

"Sorry," I say as I look down. "For everything. There's just things that happened to me in my past and they started to come back up. I didn't mean to run from you, or hurt you," I say as I put my hand on his arm where I scratched him. He winces, but try's to play it off.

"It's ok sweetheart, you can tell me when your ready. I'll always be ready to listen," he says as he starts to help wash me.

"Where's your mom?" I ask as he's washing my hair. "She's out of town on business, so she won't be home for a while," he says as he rinses the shampoo out of my hair. "Shit," I say as I close my eyes.

"What, what happened," Adam asks, sounding frantic. "You got shampoo in my eye you asshole," I say as I slap his chest.

He starts to laugh and I open my eyes, but immediately close them. "Fuck you, it hurts," I say as I rub my eyes. I feel him rub a wash cloth down my face.

"Open," he whispers, and I do. My eyes meet his as his eyes look into mine. "Your beautiful," he says as he puts his hand on my cheeks. I smile as I look into his eyes. "Your not so bad," I whisper as I connect our lips.

He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him. I feel my stomach pull from the motion, but I ignore it. As Adam deepens the kiss, I feel my head pool with emotions.

Adam lowers me down so he can turn off the shower, and pulls me from the shower. He wraps a towel around me and puts one on himself. He walks out and I stand there, not knowing what to do.

He walks back in with some clothes. "You can wear these and I can go to your house and get some clothes tomorrow," he says as he hands me the clothes and closes the door.

I go to put on the shirt when all of a sudden I get dizzy. I put my hand on the counter to steady myself.

"Adam," I shout, hoping he hears me. I hear the door knob jiggle and realize it's locked.

"Fuck," I say as I reach toward the door to unlock it. As I'm leaning forward, I lose my balance. Hitting my head on the counter, I fall to the floor, and everything goes black.

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