XXVI. Better left unknown.

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"Please," I beg as I stay still on the floor. "What the hell are you doing here? I thought dad killed you?" He says as he yanks me out of the closet.

I scream, feeling the pain everywhere.

"Avery!?" I hear over the phone. "Adam!!" I cry as James kicks me in the stomach. I start to cough up blood, before James is yanked off of me.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Adam growls as his hand goes around his neck.

"Please, don't hurt him," I say as I lay on the floor. "The hell if I don't," he says as he tightens his hand around his neck. "Please," I plead as I start to cough again.

"Leave. Leave and never come back or so help me God," Adam says as he releases my brother and pushes him out the door.

I gasp for air as I continue to choke. Adam rushes toward me, picking me up and rushing toward the bathroom.

"Let it out love," he says as I start to throw up. He holds my hair as I sob into the toilet, seeing the blood pool in the bowl.

"Shit," I hear him say as he picks me up. "No, please no. I can't go back to the hospital," I say as I fall limp in his arms. "What am I supposed to do sweetheart," he says as he lays me on the bed.

"Anything but the hospital," I say as I start to sob again. "I'm so sorry love. I shouldn't have left you," he says as he picks me up.

He lays us down and pulls me toward him. I continue to cough, but nothing comes up. My head is sore and my stomach feels like I'm being eaten by zombies.

"Adam, make it stop," I sob as I roll away from him and clutch my stomach. He lifts my shirt, seeing I huge bruise beginning to form. "Please," I cry as I grasp his wrist.

He jumps off of the bed and downstairs. He comes back up with some pills. "Takes these love. They'll put you to sleep and I'll make it stop. I'll make the pain go away," he says as tears pool in his eyes.

I take them and lay down, holding his hand. "Thank you," I whimper as I feel myself being pulled into the darkness.

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