XXXV. Better to fight for something than to live for nothing.

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It's been a few tough weeks but I'm finally better. I'm still a little sore but that's to be expected. Adams taking me somewhere and I have no idea where it is.

He put a blind fold on me and I'm currently walking blindly as he guides me through some grass. "Where are you taking me?" I laugh as I trip on a rock.

"Woah, when did that get there," I say as I grip Adams arms. He just laughs as I hear a door open. "Watch your step love," he says as I walk slowly through the door and down some steps.

He stops after a few more steps and I hold onto him, scared to see what's behind the blind fold. "You ready?" He says as he puts his hands by my eyes. I nod my head as I feel his hands tug off the blindfold.

I blink my eyes to adjust to the light and see Adams face. "Why hello," I smile as I peck his lips. "Now where am I," I say as he moves aside.

I see punching bags and a ring, and much more equipment surrounding me. "Umm..., I'm confused," I wrinkle my eyebrows as I turn to him.

"Ok, I know it's not the best surprise but, I'm gonna teach you how to fight," he says as he looks into my eyes, waiting for my reaction. "Really?" I say as my eyes light up with excitement. "Yea," he says as I hug him.

"Where do we start?" I ask as I jump up with excitement. "Calm down love, we have to get you geared up," he says as he walks to a locker room. He hands me clothes that I change into and starts to wrap my hands.

"Ok, so first we're gonna start with teaching you how to punch," he says as he walks over to a punching bag. "Oh come on, that's easy" I say as I put my hands up and go to hit the bag.

My hand is in midair when Adam grabs it, stopping it from hitting the target. "First of all," he says as he removes my thumb from in my hand and putting my arms in a different position. He then moves behind my and grabs my hips, moving then to the side and up.

"You need to make sure you have good balance when you punch," he says as he moves in front of me. "Go ahead," he says as he motions for me to hit the bag. I throw my hand at the bag, missing and hitting Adam.

"Shit!" I exclaim as I cover my mouth. He leans over, clutching his stomach. "Nice one," he says as he wheezes. "I'm so sorry," I say as he stands back up.

"I'm fine," he chuckles as he tells me to do it again. "Are you sure?" I ask as I look at him. "Just hit the damn thing," he says as he stands back.

I throw my fist in the air, connecting it with the bag. "Good," he says as he watches. "Now," he says as he walks towards me. "Try and kick it," he says as he turns my hips slightly.

I pick my leg up, throwing it toward the bag. Before it connects, Adam grabs my leg, twisting me around and pinning me on the ground. "What the hell!" I yell as I try to get out from his grasp.

"Never keep your guard down," he whispers as he gets off of me. I look at him as I stand back up and put my hips back where he set them. "Again," he says as he stands back to let me kick the bag.

I put my leg back and kick, sending pains through my leg. They aren't bad enough to cause discomfort, but enough to cause me to falter my moves.

"Woah," I say as I tumble back. "Are you ok?" He asks as he reaches toward me. "Yea I'm fine," I say as I set me hands up, throwing some punches at the bag, and sending my leg up.

I start to get the hang of it.

Kick. Punch. Kick. Kick. Punch. Every now and then switching legs.

I go to send a punch to the bag, when I hear the gym door opening, causing me to lose focus and hit my hand wrong sending pains through my arm. "Fuck!" I yell as I grab my hand. Holy shit," I say as I see my knuckles bleeding and my pinky twisted.

"What the fuck Jake," Adam says as he rushes towards me. "Woah," Jake says as he stops, looking at me and Adam.

Adam takes my hand in his, making me wince and I pull my arm away. He grabs my wrist and holds firm. "Fuck," I whisper as I feel my hand burn. "That looks bad," Jake says as he takes my hand, making me wince again.

"Fuck you asshole," I say, removing my hand from his. I sit down on the ground, putting my head in my knees as I try to catch my breath.

"I'm sorry Avery," Jake says as he walks toward me. "I just recover from an accident and get a fucking broken pinky you fucking bitch. I was healed! I was getting better!" I yell as I get up and walk towards the bag and go to throw a punch.

"Hey sweetheart, take it easy," Adam says as he grabs my shoulder. "Don't touch me," I snarl as I back away from him.

"You should leave," Adam says as he looks at Jake. "I'm sorry man, really," Jake says as he walks out the door.

"Hey sweetheart what's going on," Adam asks as he walks towards me. "I was getting better. We were good. And then I have to go and break my damn finger. Fuck," I say as I fall to the ground, sobs wracking my body.

out," he says as he looks me in the eyes. "Ok love?" He says as he holds my head. I nod as he wipes my tears. "Let's go take care of that," he says motioning to my hand.

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