XXXVII. I will always be there to put you back together.

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After we arrived at Adams house we ended up ordering take out. Turns out Adam isn't the best cook.

"That was terrible," I giggle, laying down on Adams lap. "It's not my fault you distracted me love," he smirks, bringing my lips to his. I smile into the kiss, glad to finally relax.

"We should check that finger love," he says, sitting up and dragging me behind him to the bathroom. He sits me in the counter as he stands between my legs.

He gently picks up my hand and starts to unravel the bandage and tape he earlier put on. I wince from the sudden movements and groan.

"Why me," I pout as I look at my finger that is now revealed. Adam brings my hand closer to his face, examining it.

He releases my hand and squats down, sorting through the things under the sink. He comes back up with more tape and bandages and some alcohol wipes.

"Take these," he instructs, handing me the pain pills the doctor gave to me when we left. "Why am I taking these?" I ask, suddenly feeling my nerves take over. "Don't worry love. I'm just going to readjust your finger and it's going to hurt like a bitch," he says as he hands me a cup of water.

I swallow down the pills and look into his eyes, setting my hand in his. As his fingers gently raise my hand, adjusting it so he can pop my finger back, I grip his bicep, slightly scared of the pain soon to come.

"I'll be quick sweetheart," he whispers as his eyes skim to my finger. "You ready?" He asks as he gently holds my finger. I stiffly nod my head as my grip tightens on his arm.

"1..2.." I hear a loud crack, followed by a whimper. My eyes shut tightly, tears pooling behind my eyes. "Are you alright love," I hear concern behind his words. I take a few deep breaths before I open my eyes, immediately connecting with the grey ones burning into my skin.

"Yea," I breathe out, my voice shaking slightly. He puts his finger under my chin and brings his lips closer to mine, laying a soft and tender kiss on my lips. He pulls away and finishes cleaning and wrapping my finger.

"Thank you," I smile, looking up at his face. I see concern evident in his features. "Hey, I'm okay," I laugh as I pull him into a hug. "I know it's just," he sighs pulling away. "What is it?" I ask, putting my
hands on his face, making him look into my eyes.

"How much more of this can you take? How much longer until you break apart and I can't put you back together? How much longer until your dad finds you again?" I flinch at the mention of my father. "I'm going to be fine," I say as I hop off of the counter and make my way into his bed.

"I'm sorry," I hear Adam say as he walks out of the bathroom and through his bedroom door, closing it behind him. I hear the front door slam shut and the sound of tires against the pavement, leaving me alone.

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