XXIII. Catch me as I fall.

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I wake up to the sun in my eyes. Groaning, I turn over, blocking the sun from view. I hear heavy breathing and turn towards the door.

I see Adam, with no shirt on might I add, doing pull ups on his door frame.

"Morning," he huffs out as he continues. "Uhh, morning," I say as I get up slowly and go to use the bathroom, and remember there's no door. "Where's another bathroom?" I ask.

He tilts his head down the hall. "Excuse me," I say as I walk beside him. I walk down the hall like a zombie.

I still feel sick and hot. I get into the bathroom and do my business. As I'm about to walk out, I feel bile rise up in my throat. I rush towards the toilet and spill my guts.

I'm coughing when I hear the door open. "Are you still sick?" Adam asks as he sits next to me. I nod my head yes as another wave of nausea hits me. I barely make it to the toilet in time and feels tears down my face.

"God, I feel so useless," I say as I sit down again, wiping my tears. "It'll get better love," Adam says as he nudges my shoulder. I stand up and walk down stairs, almost falling on the last step.

"Careful sweetheart," Adam says as he grabs hold of my waist, keeping me steady. "What is going on with me," I say as Adam helps me walk towards a bar stool.

My stomach starts to burn and I shut my eyes, hoping it will go away. I lift up my shirt and see the stitches tore. "Fuck me," I say as I lay my head on the table.

"Here," Adam says as he hands me some pain meds. He picks me up and takes me to the bathroom. He kicks away the wood and sets me on the counter. I wince from the impact.

"Sorry," Adam says as he opens the counter below me and brings out a needle and some string. "Hell no," I say as I put my hand on his arm, stopping him.

I start to breath heavy. "You are not touching me with that thing," I say as I stand up and walk towards the "door".

"Sweetheart, your stitches tore and they need to be sewn back. Trust me, I know what I'm doing," he says as he sets it down on the counter and pulls me back toward him.

"Promise you won't kill me and I'll let you do it," I say as I hold up my pinky. "Are you serious? You won't me to pinky promise to not kill you?" He laughs as he links his pinky with mine. "I, Adam, promise not to kill thee Avery," he says as he smiles.

I got to sit back up in the counter and shut my eyes. "I don't have anything to numb it so it might hurt," he says as he squeezes my thigh to try and comfort me as he looks into my eyes. "Just do it you coward," I say through gritted teeth.

He goes to put the needle through my skin, and I feel it pierce my flesh. "Son of a bitch!" I say as I grab his wrist.

"Wait, wait," I say as I stop breathing. "I can't do it," I say feeling light headed. "I think I'm gonna pass out. Shit, fuck Adam," I say as I feel his eyes on me.

"Hey, sweetheart. Look at me. Hey hey up here," he says as he catches my chin in his hands. "You can do this, ok? I have you sweetheart," he says as he looks into my eyes.

He looks down towards my stomach and right before he pushes the needle in my skin, I breath in. "Fuck," I say through gritted teeth as I ball my hand into a fist. I squeeze my hand so tight that I feel my nails punctures my skin.

"God dammit Adam hurry the fuck up," I say as I feel my head sway. "Done," he says as he quickly drops the needle and catches me before I fall. "Thank fuck," I say in a whisper as I grip his shirt, feeling myself pass out in his arms.

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