XLIX. Give your heart a break.

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Adams POV

I'm still shocked as I'm sitting here waiting for Avery to wake up. Jake left to clean up and get some sleep as soon as he heard the news. He said to text him when we can leave and he'll pick us up.

I don't know what I would do without him. Okay enough with the emotional talk. What am I gonna do about Avery. She's been through so much pain and she needs to relax.

I hear her monitor start to speed up slightly and turn towards her. "Avery, sweetheart," I say as her eyes open. Her eyes dart around the room and she starts to panic.

"Hey hey hey, it's alright love, it's ok," I bring her into a hug as she struggles in my arms. I start to hum into her ear to calm her down, and it seems to help immediately.

"I talked to the nurse and she said I can take you home, no police," I say and she just nods her head on my chest.

I let out a breath and pull her away slightly and look into her eyes. "I'm gonna go see about getting you out of here, stay put until I get back love, alright?"

She stares into my eyes a moment longer and then nods her head, slowly laying back down. I stand up and head out the door.

Avery's POV

I lay on the bed and think of all that has happened. I think about all Adam and Jake have done for me and feel a tear sleep out of my eye. I'm so grateful for what they have done, knowing I would be dead without them.

I hear footsteps in the hallways and tense up, watching the doorknob turn. I let out a breath of relief when I see jakes head pop into the door. "Jake," I let out and start to cry.

"Av," he says quietly and makes his way toward me in quick strides. He picks me up into his arms and holds me as I cry into his shirt. He smells like pine and men's shampoo.

I feel his hand run through my hair as I continue to soak his shirt in my tears. "I'm so sorry Jake, I'm sorry for what I said and everything I," he interrupts me by pulling me away slightly. "You don't every need to apologize Av. Not for anything," he says.

I hear the door begin to open again and I jump slightly, as we both turn towards the sound. Jake holds me closer as we see Adam opening the door, followed by a nurse that I vaguely remember.

Tears are still rolling down my cheeks as Adam walks toward us. "Sweetheart what's wrong," he says as he switches spots with Jake, and looks into my eyes. I just shake my head and close my eyes against his chest. "I'm tired," I whisper as he rubs my back.

"I know love, trust me I know. We just have one last thing to do then we can leave," he says as he looks towards the nurse.

"Hi Avery, I'm Nurse Luna and I'm head to give you your final check up before you leave. I'm also the one that's gonna drop by to check on you since you're not supposed to be leaving so early, but someone convinced me to let you leave," she says as she looks at Adam, then back to me. I slowly nod my head and Adam wipes my tears and begins to step away.

I reach out toward him in a panic and he quickly holds me in an embrace. "Sweetheart," he chuckles. "Don't leave me, please, I'm scared," I whisper so only he can hear.

He lets out a sigh and pulls away slightly. "I'm gonna be right hear," he says as he steps away and grabs my hand. I let out a long breath and try to relax. "I'm just gonna check your vitals and wounds and then you should be good to go," nurse Luna says as she walks toward me.

I nod my head and she begins to do what she needs to. She almost done when she asks to see my incision. I take a shaky breath and allow her to lift my gown.

I close my eyes and look away, tightening my grip on Adams hand. I hear a gasp come from Jake and Adam and feel a tear fall from my eye. I knew it, it's bad, it always is.

I feel my grown being put back down and I open my eyes. "It seems to be a little irritated from the distress you've been through in the last 24 hours, but I will give you some pain medication and an antibiotic so it doesn't get infected," she says as she looks toward Adam.

"You mister need to keep a close eye on her, she needs rest. But she may also need some space, so don't coddle her. It may be hard for her at first seeing as she has a lot of time to heal, but it will get better," she says to both of us and nods her head. "So now to the dirty business," she says and claps her hands, making me jump.

"Actually," she says looking toward me. "Can I have a minute with Avery," she says and I feel my heart pick up speed.

"I don't think," I begin to say but Adam interrupts. "Avery, love, we are gonna be right outside that door and we will not let a single soul inside this room, and this kind woman will not harm you, I promise," he says as he searches my eyes for any worry. I nod my head and slowly let go of his hand.

"Go," I say quietly and they begin to leave. As the door closes I look up to Nurse Luna. "First off id like you to call me Sam," she says and I nod. "I noticed you've been kinda jumpy, may I ask why?" She says and I just shrug.

"I understand you've been through a lot, and I don't want you to be scared, because you have two strong, handsome men outside that door that won't let a single thing happen to you," she says and I smile.

"But I also understand you need time to heal. Not only physically but mentally. I will be there for you for a few months and if you need to talk, I'll be here," she says and I nod. She goes to open the door and let's the boys in.

"You good," Jake asks I and I nod, smiling. "So how are we gonna do this," Adam asks and my eyebrows scrunch in confusion. "Do what?" I ask and Sam looks towards me.

"Well, since I'm not supposed to be releasing you and you're wanted for a statement, I have to sneak you out," she says and I nod. "Ok well, let's get me out of here."

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