XV. Life is full of surprises.

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I've been laying here for what seems like hours. I can't seem to sleep. My head is throbbing and my stomach feels like it's on fire.

I hear the door open and shut quietly. "Adam?" I ask quietly. "Try again," I hear a deep voice say.

I sit up immediately, trying to see through the dark and my blurred vision. "Hello? Who's there?" I say as my voice trembles.

"Hello babydoll, thought I would leave you so soon," I hear my father say as he walks closer to me. "What are you doing here?" I say as I scoot back, hitting the end of the bed.

"I came to see my daughter of course," he says as I hear him step closer. "Stay away from me," I say as I feel tears fall down my cheeks. "Now why would I do that," he says with an evil laugh.

"Help!" I yell as loud as I can. I reach to press the nurse button when I feel cold metal against my throat. "Yell again and you're dead," he's says viciously in my ear.

"Please, I don't want to die," I beg as I feel the knife press deeper into my throat, cutting my skin. "Aww is the little princess begging now," he says as he licks my neck, causing shivers to wrack my body.

"Please, stop," I say as he starts kissing my neck. I hear the door click open and feel my father grab me quickly and pull me into the bathroom, locking the door.

I bite my lip to stop myself from yelling out in pain.

"Avery?" I hear Adam call as he walks into the room. I hear a knock on the door and I shake with fear.

"Tell him your using the bathroom," my father whispered in my ear.

"You okay sweetheart?" Adam asks. I try to make my voice as steady as possible as I clear my throat.

"Uh yea, I'll be out in a sec," I say as I feel the knife dig into my skin once again. "Good girl," my father says as he starts to kiss my ear.

I immediately kick his leg and feel his arms loosen. I run toward the door and fumble to open it.

"Avery!?" I hear a more frantic Adam ask. "Help me! Ada-," I'm dragged to the ground, feeling my head hit the counter as I fall.

"Let go of me!" I yell, shaking my leg from his grasp.

I turn the lock on the door and hear it bang open.

I feel myself being pushed behind Adam as his body goes tense.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I hear Adam spit at my father. You can hear the venom in his voice. "I came to see my daughter of course," he says as he stands from the floor.

"Your not welcome here. You need to leave," Adams says as he scoots back to allow him to pass. "I'm not going anywhere," my father says as he picks up the knife from the floor and runs toward Adam.

"Adam!" I yell, seeing my father run towards Adam. Adam punches the knife out of my dads hand, pinning my father on the floor before whispering something in his ear, causing my fathers face to morph into fear.

Adam gets off of him and I scurry back, scared of what he might do.

My father stands up and jogs out of the room.

"Sweetheart?" I hear Adam as he moves closer. He goes to catch me in an embrace when I flinch, scared he might hurt me.

I start to sob, afraid of what would have happened if he wasn't here.

"Come here sweetheart," Adams says as he opens his arms. I run into them, feeling his heart beat against my ear as he holds me against his chest.

I can feel his breath heaving as he rubs my hair. "You're ok," he says as he continues to hold me.

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