Avery never had it easy. Before her dad left 6 months ago, her life had been a wreck. After his disappearance, she's been trying to find a way to mend the pieces that were taken along with her dad. Will she find herself again or will she need some h...
We've been driving on the road for hours. I left my phone at home and I'm starting to wonder if my mom's looking for me.
"Where are we going?" I finally ask. He pulls off the highway, slowing to a stop once we get to a gas station. "Honestly," he says looking at me, "I have no fucking idea."
"What!?" I practically yell. "What the hell do you mean you don't know! My mom is at home and god knows what that bastard could be doing to her to find out where I am! You have no idea what he can do. I need to go back before-" I stop, cutting my self off knowing that I've said far too much.
I start to sob, knowing that he'll do all he can to find me. I open the door of the car, beginning to feel trapped.
I get out, gasping for air as I fall to my knees. Adam runs out of the car and is in front of me, trying to comfort me as my vision begins to blur.
"Hey, hey sweetheart. Sweetheart everything is going to be fine. I promise you." He says as he wipes my tears and picks me up, setting me in the front seat and holds me, trying to calm me down.
After 5 minutes, my breathing is finally back to normal and I notice that Adam is singing softly in my ear. I look up at him and he stops, putting my hair behind my ear.
"No," I say, causing him to look at me confused. "Keep singing," I whisper as I lay my head back down on his chest.
"Sweetheart we have to get you home," he whispers and slowly untangles himself from me.
"Do you want anything from inside?" He asks, pointing his thumb behind him. "I really need to pee," I say, letting out a small laugh. He chuckles lightly and helps me out and grabs the keys and his wallet before closing the door and guiding me through the doors to the back to the bathrooms.
"I'll be right here," he says, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms over his chest. "Ok," I whisper as I open and close the bathroom door and click the lock.
I do my business and get up, going to wash my hands, but as soon as I look into the mirror, I gasp, looking at how awful I look.
My hair is everywhere and my face is blotchy and red. I splash water on my face like I did so many times before.
Then is when I remember my wrist. Through all of this, my wrist has been numb with adrenaline, but now that I've calmed down and my nerves aren't on high I've started to feel all of my injuries.
I immediately open the door, trying not to startle Adam as I walk up and down the aisles.
I start looking around aimlessly hoping to find the pain medicine as fast as possible before I pass out again.
Adam rushes to my side, holding my shaking hands in his.
"What do you need?," he asks, looking into my eyes. His grey eyes beg me for an answer, and I take a slow calming breath so I can speak.
"Pain medicine. I fell on my wrist before I came out of my house. That's why I was rushing out. And then you stopped me and then.. and then..." I stop, not being able to get in anymore words due to the memory of what happened just hours ago.
He nods his head in understanding and pulls away from me, scanning the aisles for what i've requested.
He stops, grabbing a bottle of pills and takes my hand, leading me to the drinks and grabs a water and some random foods before checking out and leaving the store.
I stop as we step outside, closing my eyes for a brief moment feeling my legs sway beneath me.
Adam picks me up and walks faster to the car. He sets me in the front once again and hands we some pills and the water.
I take a sip and almost gulp the whole thing down. "Woah, easy there don't want you to choke," he says with a nervous chuckle.
I take the pills from his hand and put them in my mouth, immediately drinking the rest of the water along with the pills.
He steps out of the doorway, stating that he'll be back and closes the door, jogging back into the store.
In under 2 minutes, he's back out with another bag. He opens my door and sets the bag at my feet as I turn towards him. He silently takes a first aid kit out and opens it.
Examining my face and hands from the fall, he takes out a couple of alcohol wipes and touches my faces, causing me to wince.
"Sorry," he says as he abruptly stops. "No it's fine," I murmur as I touch the hand that was cleaning my face and look into his eyes.
He finishes cleaning me up and has wrapped my hand carefully and takes out another water bottle and passes it to me.
"What about you?" I ask as I look at him questioningly.
He pulls out another bottle and the corner of his lips turn up slightly, causing me to smile.
Aww.. Adam is so sweet.
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