Chap 1 - Going to hell

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Warning: This story contains mild swearing and mature content.

Barbara Palvin as Shaira

Shaira POV

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" I groaned at the sound of my fucking alarm and threw it on the floor. Opening my eyes, I saw the broken pieces of the alarm lying on the corner of the room. Great! I need to buy a new one. This is the fourth alarm I broke in two weeks. Well no one and I mean no one wakes me up. I walked to the bathroom to take a shower so that I could get ready to go to hell. Yeah going to school is no less than hell. The only reason I go to school is because of my friends. They mean the world to me.

Coming out of the shower, I went towards my closet and slipped into a black top that showed of my stomach , black tight leggings and a black leather jacket. Yup you could say I love black. I applied lipgloss and combed my dark brown almost black hair. Ladies and gentleman after that I was ready to go to hell. I placed my bag over my shoulder and took my phone from the charger. The phone screen turned on and it was 7:54. Fuck I am late! I rushed out my quiet house and got in my baby which is Audi A7. Yeah I know it's awesome.

I forgot to introduce myself. Well, my name is Shaira Evans. I am 17 years old with dark hair and light blue eyes. My parents died in a car crash leaving me alone. But they forehand had passed down all their properties and money to me which won't finish even in a lifetime.

I parked my baby in the parking lot and got inside and straight away went to my locker to get my book for the first period which is Maths. I fucking hate maths. The hall was empty signalling that the bell had rung. I went to my class and was greeted by Mr Welberg.

"Well if isn't you, miss Evans." He jested, with his spectacles resting at the tip of his nose.

"Yes sir your favourite student . Who else ?" I said sarcasm dripping down my every word which caused him to scoff.

"Get in." I went to my seat which was at the back of the class. Well my group's seats are fixed and no one dares to sit there cause they know the moment they dare to sit, it's time for them to face my wrath which is not a pretty thing. Apparently,  none of them have Maths with me today. The rest of the class passed by with Mr Welberg lecturing us about Maths. The bell went off and I ran away from the class like Usain Bolt.

Reaching towards my locker , I heard someone scream.

"Hey bitch!" I turned and saw Alicia Johnson aka my best friend.

"Hey! How are you doing?" I yelled, pulling her into a hug. We have been friends since forever. She was more of like a Sister to me.

"I have good news." I nodded my head for her to continue.

"Jake is coming." She squealed and a big smile appeared on my face.

"Really!? When ?" I asked, placing my books inside my locker.

"Tomorrow." My mouth formed an 'o' shape .

"Hello, my sunshine ." Samantha smiled, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. Her height matched mine. Riley and Laura joined us too soon.

"Hey" I said and hugged everyone . Our group consisted of Samantha, Riley, Laura, Alicia and last but not the least me. I have known Alicia since we wore diapers as of the others I came to know them when I was in grade 3. But our bond was stronger than ever.

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