Chap 6 - Ignoring

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Pic of Sam

"There's no ice cream in the fridge. I so badly wanna eat ice cream and there's no one to get it for me. Mom's out for work and Jake's out with his Friend. Nobody cares for me. I just want to have some ice cream. Will you get it for me?" She explained in a whiny baby voice and I exploded.

"You fucking call me up at around 11 at night, screaming your lungs out. Do you even fücking realise how much worried I got?! And what was all this fuss about? Ice cream! Just for a tub of ice cream you nearly gave me a heart Attack woman!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs. A passerby looked at me as if I was patient who had escaped from a mental asylum.

"But I want ice cream." She defended. I rolled my eyes, mentally choking her to death.

"I won't bring it for you. Fuck off! Ask your lover boy to get it for you." I ended the call and took a few deep breaths. After a while of walking, I couldn't stop the laugh that escaped me. Only Alicia can give you a mini heart Attack like this for ice cream. I have the craziest Best Friend ever but I loved her. Cause she was as crazy as me. A bit more I Guess.

Walking down the school hall, I bumped into someone. "Sorry I di.." I looked up to see Aaron standing there. I smiled.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Class must have started by now." He rolled his eyes and walked away completely ignoring me. What the fuck happened to him? I frowned thinking but shrugged my shoulders and went to my first class which was by God's grace Biology. Gosh can't anyone have mercy on me?

I entered the class ignoring Mrs Summers lecture about manners. Really? Can't she just stop talking. I went to sit in my usual seat in the back and slammed the books on my desk . Everyone's attention turned to me but they all faced the front when I raised an eyebrow.

The whole class went by Mrs Summers blabbing and glaring daggers at me which didn't affect me in any way. It was her way of showing me how much she loved me. Her words not mine. The bell rang and I took my books and walked down the hall to the lockers. I reached my locker to see Alicia grinning like a idiot and the girls looking at her like she came from a fücking circus. Our lockers were beside one another so we always got to see each other before every class. The first one is Sam's then mine, Alicia, Laura and Riley.

"What happened to you bitch?l I asked Alicia as I shoved the books in my locker. She didn't reply and started giggling . Her cheeks had a tint of pink on them.

"Let me guess, you and Chris kissed last night." I teased and the girls' jaws dropped . She nodded her head still smiling like an idiot. Is it weird that I already knew about this? I had a feeling this would happen.

"Ha! I told you, give me my money Hoe!" Riley sassed fist pumping the air. Sam glared at her but silently handed her a 50 dollar note.

"What!? You guys had a bet on me." Alicia yelled as they mumbled incoherent words to themselves.

"Oops." Laura shook her head and I laughed as they argued. Laura joined too and soon we were clutching our stomachs laughing our hearts out. The bell rang for the second period. The girls continued their argument while I sobered up and wiped the tear stains.

Laura and I chatted about random stuff until we parted ways. I had physics while she had maths. Can this day get any better? I went and sat beside Ryan at the back of the class.

"How come you are so happy?" I asked him while opening Pg -125 of physics book.

"You will see." His eyes had a mischievous glint by which I knew that something was going to happen. Mr Reynolds rambled on and on about Gravity. He was sitting on his chair and just as he was about to get up to write a formula on the board, the sound of fabric tearing was heard.


The back of his pants was torn and the class was laughing like crazy. I tried to control my laughter but failed when I noticed a hint of red underwear. Now I know what Ryan meant. He had tears streaming down his face and his cheeks were red.

"Silence! Who did this?" Mr Reynolds shouted with imaginary steam coming out of his ears and all the laughter died down. He looked at all of us well more like glared and his calculating eyes stopped right on Ryan.

"Mr Garner detention!" Ryan made an innocent face and asked "But why sir?" I snickered and Mr Reynolds glared at me also."Both of you, detention!" I didn't wait a second and carried my books and dragged Ryan with me.

"Dude that was epic." I commented and he patted himself on his shoulder."I know I am awesome." I shook my head and we both skipped the next class. He explained to me why he did what he did. Apparently, Mr Reynolds had insulted his family when he was late to his last class. Seems quite fair to me.

Lunch rolled on and we all were sitting and chatting except for Aaron. He was talking but unlike other days he was not laughing and whenever I looked at him he would just glare at me or look away. Like really dude what the hell did I do? Even the boys seemed to be clueless about his behaviour. Alicia and Chris were kissing and it looked like everyone was expecting it to happen. I also caught Jake stealing glances of Laura. Zain was not here today. I ignored Aaron for the rest of the day and especially on chemistry class which I had with him.

I was now in my Economics class which I shared with the girls. This was the only class we all had together.

"Ok class I have a good news for you guys." Mrs Rose chirped as she clapped her hands ."So next week we will be going on a camping trip. We will stay there for three days and know a bit of history of that woods. I want you all to come with your things that you think are necessary but not too much. We will leave early in the morning. If you want you can use your own transport facilities or the one school will provide for you. But you will have to enroll your name for that. Any questions?" She finished and everyone began to talk.

"What do you think of this camp?" Riley curiously questioned and I shrugged.

"I think it's gonna be good. We will able to escape this hell for sometime." Sam exclaimed and the bell rang signalling the end of class. We packed our stuffs and went to our respective lockers.m. I don't know why but it seems that the camping will be interesting.

I got inside my baby and drove to my house. Just as I parked my car outside my house, I saw Aaron getting out of his car. He ignored me and went inside his house. One thing I was sure of was that he was bipolar. I had a bipolar neighbor. Great.


Hey guys ! Not an exciting chap and its a bit short. I really wanted to update but I am not getting any ideas now.

Ques: Colton Haynes or Dylan o Brien

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